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Thread: A say day for America, a sad day for the world

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  1. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Sensual Lauren View Post
    I am devastated and shocked. How could this man win the Presidency. How could the pundits and pollsters have been so wrong. Had to go to sleep after the indications were going his way. America is more divided that most of us knew. I will look inward and stay away from politics,,,,that my fellow citizens have so much hate in their hearts is terribly unsettling. As an historian, ( as most of you didn't know) I believe this is the saddest day in America's history. God only knows what that future holds for all of us. Am holding my nose, my breath and think the best thing to do today is to go to the hot tub and hope the bubbles can blow away some of the sadness. Be well and all we can do now is wait for the aftermath. The only positive is that Melania is a gorgeous 'First Lady'.
    pm me with any of your insights. In my neighborhood there was and still is a divide. I hope we can heal, but that is a long road. Missing you all. xx all m y best,,, Sensual Lauren / aka/ LadyFemina
    Well the people spoke. I think it was more about rage against the system than a huge adoration for Trump. Maybe they (the two parties) will learn and get the message that they need to get on with their job and stop sitting on their hands.

    The worry now is about the damage he can do in his 4 years, as I truly cannot see him getting a second term (but then I called this for Hillary and also thought the Brits weren't stupid enough to implement a Brexit vote).

    And if he now has Congress and Senate behind him, it could be truly frightening. He will step back from global responsibilities to climate change, and other global initiatives, possibly default on national debt (imagine the global economic crisis that would precipitate)... and what about all the other crazy stuff like jailing Hillary, deporting Hispanics and banning Muslims, plus his support for pro-life candidates for the Supreme Court. And then there's the silly wall.

    Obamacare is far from perfect but can you imagine abolishing it? What a nightmare that would be. So, so, so many of his policies are just simply disruptive and damaging. I hope somebody can reign him in.

    But, nothing we can do about it now, except hold him to task. Though I am really looking forward to the day he is no longer under audit, and we see how much he lied about his wealth...
    Last edited by gonzo76; 09-11-16 at 13:12.

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