Quote Originally Posted by Curvaceous Kate View Post
What constitutes a 'lot' to you? Are you talking all the ones who are working legally, as in the Irish ones and European? I am concerned that these ladies are renting out their 3 bedroomed houses while their 3 children are living there. Do they not make a noise when the client is there? How are they touring while they have children? Are they leaving them on their own? Which of course is a whole different kettle of fish and very worrying.

I was once called in to the Social Security office back in England and I was told that I should take a solicitor with me. Of course I was worried sick and didn't have a clue what was wrong. I had handed in my card to every person I had spoken to about my predicament and told them that I was attempting to establish a business, but at the moment I had no money, I was a single parent and had a house to pay for and asked if there was anything I could do. I was told that as long as I declare any earnings that was okay, but someone either forgot or didn't know the full story and decided I was committing fraud.

To say that they looked rather silly during the conversation while they were trying to prove me to be a fraud was rather funny. I had asked for a copy of the tape as I wanted to pass it on to a few people, but they didn't get back to me on that.

What I'm trying to say is don't make too many assumptions. I don't agree with earning good money without declaring it, but those women may be doing all they can to pay off debts, they may be doing what they can to be self sufficient. Having said that, if you feel these people are ripping off other honest people then it is your duty to report it and not moan about it on here. That I would consider to be highly unprofessional of you.

On a last note. Most people do not start being a Sex Worker so they can buy a Villa in Spain. They are doing it for their family and because they can't see any other way to make ends meet. That also includes extended family and people you know nothing about. Is it not better to do something and try to make things better, than to stagnate on the state and never be able to manage without?

Generalising and making assumptions I would imagine is not in the job description for you, but if you feel someone is doing wrong you SHOULD report them. We have enough stigma to put up with without you telling everyone we're ripping everyone off.
there seems to be a steady increase but if girls see other girls reaping the benefits than they are going to say, why cant i do it too, i'm not generalising as see it with my own two eyes what happening, its much worse that mainland and NI because the benefits here are much greater, job seekers allowance for example i believe is only 80 euro something while its near 190 s euro in Ireland