
Following the great Good and Bad Clients list fiasco, we have looked at our our own policies towards these issues.

First of all I would like to say that I strongly dissaprove of the way a number of ladies ran a good and bad clients list. I think it was done totally irrisponsibly.

I don't think most of the ladies involved meant any harm, I think they were just trying to keep themselves safe, and that is very understandable, but the way it was done was not acceptable.

Lots of clients had had their privacy violated here big time, and that was very wrong.

However, we have to move on from this, and I favour moving on in a constructive manner.

From this we have learnt that ladies are very concerned about their safety for good reason and that is a valid concern amongst ladies that isn't being helped by the fact nobody is running a proper bad clients system in Ireland.

So, we have decided to set up a proper bad clients system for Irish escorts. It is something we have held off doing for a long time, because it is a complex issue legally, but I've paid for legal advice on the issues recently, and I believe we can and should do it.

Our new bad clients list system is still in development and our plans are not all set in stone yet, but we do have plans, and I would like feedback on them if anyone has any comments.

These are our plans:

(1) Our bad clients system will be available free of charge to any E-I advertiser (not just ladies, also males, agencies etc).

(2) After E-I advertisers leave, they will still have access for a set period, e.g. a month, but once that month has passed if they haven't been working in that timeframe access will be withdrawn.

(3) Our system will cover bad clients only. Good clients will not be put on the list. Also, we are not considering "timewasters" and the like bad clients. When we say bad clients we mean clients that have attacked ladies, threatened ladies, robbed ladies etc, i.e. clients that are a danger to all escorts, not clients that are simply considered a bit weird, timewasting, or simply "always leave bad reviews".

(4) Our bad clients list will ask reporting ladies for detailed information about the bad client, i.e. details of what happened, physical description, phone number, car numberplate etc, as much info as they can provide.

(5) We will not publish full real names, phone numbers or numberplates, addresses etc of bad clients in the bad client reports that are made available to escorts. E.g. With phone numbers only the last 5 digits will be published.

(6) Escorts will be able to access our bad clients list at any time via a username and password. It will be a secure area of this site. Ladies will also be able to choose to have bad client reports emailed to them automatically. We may even let ladies get text message alerts of bad clients, it depends on whether we can get a good SMS service running at a reasonable cost, we are still checking this out.

(7) Our bad clients system and the way it works will be openly known. Though only E-I advertisers will have access to it, what it is and how it works will not be a secret.

(8) We will be seeking to cooperate with the police and other organisations, eg. rape crisis centres, regards this list. Such orgaisations will be invited by us to have access to the data.

The above plans are still quite rough around the edges but these are our current plans and I would appreciate feedback from anyone who thinks they can provide suggestions.

Thank you

Pat x