Hi All

Im not one to post here but I just had to tell someone.

About 2 months ago I punted (I didn't leave a review so its not the last person on my list) and received OWO.

Nothing spectacular about the whole ordeal TBH.

I was perusing the forum one night and saw a thread regarding this guy who went to France and got OWO and wanted to know the risks.

In my ignorance I didn't realize that there is a risk of STI.

My mind went into overdrive so much so I made myself sick.

If my nut got an itch I jumped, if the bag moved in a peculiar way I nearly vomited, I was a wreck.

I researched everything online (like a fool) and the more I read the worse I got.

I must mention that Im in a relationship so the pang of fear made it all worse.

Long story short got tested on Monday - results Today - ALL CLEAR BABY..... ALL CLEAR

I think I'm out of punting for a long while after this
