Quote Originally Posted by Cortez View Post
Curly haired fella from up your way, plays with the very small ball, he's a bit British, a bit Irish, a bit of a fuckin twat, wants to represent GB, no....actually wants to play for Ireland, actually no....waiter, is that a mosquito in my soup? Fuck this, I love golf but I'm not going to that flea ridden hole in case the latest bird catches that virus, in fact I'm not really into golf much, won't bother my arse watching it in the Olympics.......what's that you say??? Nike arnt making golf clubs anymore? Well fuck it anyway.......

You know the fella I mean!
Oh, Rory is a pretty generic fuckin name in NI mate, I have 5 different mates all called Rory, its annoying.

I notice you are angry he isn't playing in the Olympics hahaha