Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
I'm not being critical - far from from it
Its things like cooking tips, politics, religion etc that helps make this site what it is and keeps people interested.
They reckon women think of shopping as much as men think of sex, so we have to think of something else for at least 10 minutes in the day!

I still love that scene in "The postman always rings twice" where they do it on the kitchen table.
Food and sex, sex and food yum yum!
Now your talking Roryman. My favourite newspaper headline -

Fianna Fail Politician Rapes Nun in Convent Refectory

All the ingredients for a really great piece of journalism. While we're on the topic of soup, plenty of our people will soon only be able to afford to eat soup, and pretty watery soup at that. So keep turning out the recipes Dolly. We could do with your skills here in the future. Do you fancy being Minister for Soup Kitchens Dolly? You could be a later day souper Dolly.....Fianna Failers and bankers will only get fed if they convert to socialism.

Anyway, that's enough sex, politics , religion and culinary delights for one day.

Roryman, do you fancy going to do the shopping now?