Quote Originally Posted by freya View Post
Hey Rory its the same in the real world im afraid, there really is no equality. Although in the real world the Female are more deadly than the Males of this world.

I don't mind he doesn't like me i can live with it - afterall i dont know you him or any of them and i doubt that you do either so its just cyber stuff and sometimes a tiny bit of power can go to their heads - what i did notice is that there are no female moderators!!!
I don't wonder why men are just lapdogs rather like yorkshire terriers - but then again my mind is going to 101 dalmations again and the wonderful Cruella.

Take care and any chance of you changing your Avatar tell you in PM why. xxx
I agree about 101 dalmations and Cruella - scary film when your a kid, even the remake live action one! Dont forget Bambi's mum getting shot and the childcatcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

PS Just keep a cool head and that will frustrate them - bullys hate it when you ignore them!