Quote Originally Posted by Wicklow Biker Boy View Post
OK so this might be controversial!

I recently made a booking with what I considered to be a well established escort who had mainly positive reviews.
Initial contact made by PM, followed by a few texts, finally within the last hour I called and had a very pleasant conversation to finalise the booking.

I arrived at the location, called again to get confirm details including directions to apartment and all seemed to be as planned.

I arrived on time to the apartment to be greeted by a different lady. Not that there was anything wrong with this new lady, just not who I had booked.

Now this where things go a bit strange. ...I asked ....are you ******** ?. The rely was no, she's busy, but i'my miss Y.
So I asked why didn't she or you mention this 10mins ago? Only to be greeted by a blank expression.

My problem is, why when I confirmed the appointment on more than one occasion, why did this lady think it's ok to waste my valuable time by switching to her friend.

Further more I left an honest review of the situation and now she's taking to bad mount me via other "white knight" reviewers who keep emphasising on respect. She even lied about in her silly reply to my review saying that I got abusive.. lol.

Surly respect should be mutual, right?

If I've done something wrong then shame on me, but I truly think that my experience was just the tip of the iceberg of her treatment of clients.

Beware of this scammer.

Have any of you guys experienced this type of nasty behaviour
Yep very simular
Review was taken down but I re-wrote it and if was left up after a mod fighting for it to stay up.
I got a lot of abusive texts and phone calls , I put the phone away for a few days