Quote Originally Posted by sexybabehere View Post
Now QPH I know your colouring pens did not run out as I only got you new pens. Your just afraid your picture will not turn out as good as mine

LOL when you can do as good of a job as her on the phone you will be costing me alot of money to.. I can assure you that when you can do that you will not need to continue with your normal job

She is watching her weight at the moment so is not costing me anything.. Anytime I ask her does she want any Jaffa cakes she says "no, I am watching my figure". My response is usually "so am I, that's why I better not change completely to rabbit food"

The navy and sheep have me puzzled too

I feel it only fair to tell you that she is bleeding you dry on the Jaffa front Gemma. It’s true she’s not eating them as my god the woman’s disappearing before my eyes as I just popped in for a sub (forgot to ask you btw sorry ) and I caught her red handed in the team Gemma office cookie jar.

She broke down and told me everything Gemma. You see she’s in deep with some weightwatchers support group and they are coming the heavy as she is putting them to shame at the weekly weigh in and demanding she supply them with all the Jaffas they can handle (and that’s a LOT of Jaffas Gemma) and all this sordid little operation is being paid for out of company funds Gemma.

I was going to get a pi onto her but then thought better of it

LOL on the coloring face off. (I think I’m just edging ahead as I was always good at staying between the lines)

OH!!! Hang on……she’s in the bikky box again………OI!!!!!!……..get out of it!!!!!

She just did a runner with another pack Gemma so I’ll man the phones till she gets back.

[ring ring]

Hello….Qp appointments of distinction…how may I help?…….yes she does do………..(sorry cant say it Gemma…no good you’ll have to divert back. I’ll lock up for today)


To Gemma's jaffa cake junkie of a secretary.....yes YOU!!! I know you read these threads.....shame on you.....shame shame shame