Why do you give escorts the option to opt of receiving reviews?

You are giving escorts the oppurnty to continuously mislead the clients in relation to there advertised Favourites, lets be honest verified pics doesn't really mean anything, it is hard for this site to regulate this in fairness, but surely this site should work towards full disclosure if it really does have the clients best interest in mind in regards to receiving a quality service.

Escorts can time and time again mislead the client by offering favourites, agree on the phones YES YES and then refuse on arrival, us as clients do not have the facility to raise awareness to this because the escort has opted out of reviews.

Really all I am looking for is one good reason why they are given this option, it protects the clients, who are at the end of day spending the money here. Additionally it is beneficial to the escorts who are offering a genuine high class services and honour the favourites that they have listed.