Quote Originally Posted by redforever View Post
As a lifelong liverpool supporter it was hard not to be affected by events on that day . .
The injustice . . The cover ups . . The lies that have been both printed in the papers and told at this inquest have been finally put to pass not only about the 96 fans who were unlawfully killed that day but to every fan who was wrongfully blamed on causing that tragedy

I remember exactly where I was that day watching events unfold live

If anyone who remembers that day be them black or white young or old cannot feel an ounce of emotion or sympathy for the victims families for what they have gone through in the last 27 years well so be it
hope that goes towards answering your question
It does a little, thanks.
Corruption and cover ups in the establishment are an accepted part of life for me though and I don't have an allegiance to any EPL team in particular so I was curious why you feel such a bond with a foreign team. It's probably either something you get or you don't though.
The reporting by the Sun was reprehensible I agree but as much as one would expect from tabloids.
Do you have strong feelings about Heysel, or Sakho being popped for PEDs? What kind of ban do you think he deserves?