I don't understand why EI allows guys to post reviews of escorts they have not even met?

These reviews are usually about escorts not picking up phone at arranged time, but surely
in majority of these cases there is probably some misunderstanding about the arranged time
or the escort has had to deal with some issue (they do have other lives) and not been able
to pick up phone.

Take for example recent review of Rubina from guy called 'notoften'. He is complaining
about Rubina not answering her phone at 10.50pm and waiting for 10 minutes before leaving.
Having met Rubina numerous times, im convinced he got the time wrong - 10.50pm would be
an odd time to meet an escort, sounds like it should have been 11pm (i.e. 35 minutes later,
not 25 as he claims). Plus she did text him, at time she believed she was supposed to be
meeting him.

Rubina is always very punctual with me and as over 400+ other reviews will testify there have
never been any complaints. Also having to wait for 10 minutes is nothing anyway...i would have
no problem waiting 30 mins or hours for Rubina, she is absolutely fantastic!

Then for 'notoften' to post a bad review due to perceived 10 min delay is stupid. I could understand
if Rubina was angry on phone but i dont believe she would have been, she is very professional. She
probably only just rightly pointed out that customer got the time wrong. Rubina spent time getting
dressed, preparing herself, planning for the 'date' and guy suddenly cancels just because of some
'perceived' injustice at not meeting at right time according to him, Rubina would be right to be upset.

We are very lucky to have amazing escorts like Rubina here. Silly reviews like this guys can affect
hers and other great escorts business, meaning they could easily just move to another country
(im sure they have to deal all the time also with guys not turning up).

Escorts like Rubina have spent years being ultra-professional, providing superb service,
building up amazing reviews, and then some guy comes along and spoils it with silly review?
Surely EI should be loyal to escorts like Rubina who have been on their website for many
years now and see that this guys review does not make any sense and delete it???

Surely there could be a separate section for this away from main reviews if guys want to complain
about escorts 'alleged' timekeeping? We do live in Ireland also, not Germany, if i arrange
to meet an escort at 7.30, i mean around 7.30...not exactly AT 7.30 on the dot - im prepared
for a delay on escort's side if necessary.

Rant over.