Quote Originally Posted by JAMESCORK View Post
There are 32 profiles on the home page, and at time of typing this, 15 of these are fake profiles, i.e. profiles with unverified pics and review opt out. That's 50%... WTF!

It just got me thinking. As a business plan, to those not as well versed as ourselves in all that is EI, would you not think at first glance that this site is a sham. You could imagine two guys down the pub.. "Yeah, I had a look last night.. a load of bollicks, Sher half of 'em are fakes.. and the other half could be dodgy too!.."... This is the possible perception. Not a very good first impression to the new customer. Now, we know that behind the wall of fakes, there is a wonderful selection of beautiful genuine ladies, but Joe-punter may not. I suppose it makes no difference to me, as I can spot a fake even before I even click, its just annoying, as I like to use the home page as a first glance of who has moved location or maybe spot somebody new, but this wall of fakes is getting out of hand.

If I were marketing/business manager of EI I would allow fake profiles. After all, income is income. But to let it get out of hand is just going to come back and bite you in the bum. You wouldn't see Bill Cullen putting clapped out old bangers with a new spray job in his showroom windows while he has the genuine good cars in the yard behind. He'd be feckin mad!!! If it were my decision I would sent the following memo to Dev/Advertisment teams... "Fake profiles are allowed, But not on Home Page!"...

What ye think guys 'n dolls?
Good Morning,

I am sure you have heard this all before but let me give you the official line from the company behind our reasoning:

We do not want to discriminate anyone. We provide the same advertising opportunity to all our advertisers, regardless if they wish to verify their pictures or open their profile to the reviews. I understand that some advertisers might choose to avoid reviews for different reasons, but we still would like to protect those who wish their business to remain private in order to protect their privacy.

There are advanced search options for the reviews and verification of the profile available. There will be more filters to be added on to make this more accurate. For now just please tick the boxes "verified photos" and "allows reviews" next to select language when searching.