Quote Originally Posted by HornyCorkonian83 View Post
Hi all.
Having browsed this site for a while, I am posting for the first time- I don't intend using the forum much, but am looking for some genuine advice/ perspectives here, from both escorts and punters. I am a virgin in my early to mid thirties. Now, while I have a very liberal attitude towards sex myself, until very recently, hiring an escort is something I would never have considered. Now however, as the years begn to creep up on me, it's something that I have been contemplating a bit more. Although very confident and outgoing in other aspects of my life, I have always been shy around women I'm attracted to and while platonic relationships with women has never been something I've had a problem with, approaching women with a view to anything more has always been difficult for me. I took an 'it will come in its own good time' approach before, but with now being closer to 40 than 25 and nothing else seeming to work, hiring an escort has crossed my mind and female friends have even suggested it to me. I struggled with it for a long time as I didn't want my first time to be a 'financial transaction' but am more open to the idea now. I just have a few worries though and this is why I posted this thread- for genuine advice.

Would I be wasting my time? Do escorts even bother with clients who are virgins? I'd just be afraid of freaking out at the last minute or being unable to perform with nerves. Is this typically a no go area for escorts or does it vary? While I've made some initial queries, I haven't totally made up my mind whether I want to go down this road. I have a good job, a good social network a high level of education, a kind, caring personality, this is just a major obstacle for me and an itch I'm looking to scratch as soon as I can. The internet dating world is something I have tried but has generally, been a disaster, so not sure what other avenues to go down. The 40 year old virgin was a good film and all, but the prospect of being that character in real life doesn't thrill me. Not sure if this topic has been covered here before, or how it will go down here, but as you can imagine this is something I'm quite sensitive about , so I would appreciate genuine feedback only please. As I say I'm looking for both punter and escort perspectives and am genunely interested in getting other perspectives. Thanks in advance.
From what you say, having a bit of experience with escorts could be just what you need to give you confidence when a relationship gets to that stage.

There is not really a down side, unless you are the type to feel guilty about it, or feel the need to "confess" it to future girlfriends. You will have a lot of fun, and as others have said, if you choose carefully you will have no problem finding someone who will be happy to complete your education.