Quote Originally Posted by LazarusRisen View Post
Firstly, congratulations to her for thinking enough about her future to be wary of getting pregnant at (again, an assumption) a young age. Secondly, she may feel more ready in the future when she knows you better and trusts you not to emigrate to Egypt if she were to fall pregnant. Thirdly, contraception (as has been mentioned above) is extremely effective these days. There are many more methods of contraception than just using condoms, but that's a good place to start. Maybe suggest combining two or more methods to increase efficacy? Finally, even if she's reluctant to enjoy penetrative sex at this stage, there are loads of things you can do together which are just a loving and mutually satisfying
Yup. Anal!

Oh wait you said non-penetrative... ooh awkward.

Well (try and save some grace here like)... oral! No greater feeling than having your head squished by a woman's legs as your tongue brings her closer and closer to orgasm.