Anna, you need to calm down.

If you are really saying there was no link, I'll tend to believe you, but why do you think anyone is telling lies about you here?

It is me an me alone who said you posted a link. I said this because this is what I thought.

At 4 am in the morning (approx) last night you edited a post and Ricflair suspended it at the same time. Ric told me by PM this was because it contained personal info and send me the link of the blog.

Reading through all the lines here, including you saying you edited your post to remove personal info, is what actually happened here that you didn't post the link but rather a copy of the text that was at that link, or perhaps only some of the text from the blog page?

Small difference some might say but maybe to you it is a big difference.

There is no lying going on here. If I am mistaken that you posted a link, then I am mistaken. But the facts remain that you posted some stuff which, if it was not a link to that blog, it was text copied from that blog and a moderator removed your post as you edited it in good faith.

Nobody has accused you of anything terrible. You're making a whole lot of drama out of nothing here.

Pat x