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Thread: Westside Acceptance Speech Feb 09

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Westside Acceptance Speech Feb 09

    Cough cough cough.hmmm

    I ,Westside, of sound mind and body (hehheheh) hereby declare that i sec dod is going ape.BRB

    Get out it ya little bollix,go on f off out and dont be trying to hump the cat either.I told you numerous times,he doesnt do anal,your too big for him and let the blow up doll alone too.

    Sorry about that.Now where am i?Ah right that i will do to the best of my abilities in a fair and impartial manner conduct the rules of this site,unbiased and without flaw.

    I would like to thank a few ppl here for this wonderful occaision.Firstly to my parents for having me,my teachers for teaching me and the girls for dumping me.Also i would like to thank,in no particular order,"The Sweetie" (reg tm) for giving me this prestigous honour,to those that follow the rules and of course to those that break them which is pretty much the whole site,to my dog and cats who provide with with inspiration to pass this recession,to those who stated i would make a fine mod even though i already knew my heartfelt thanks to all of you.To QPH whose fine and unique articulation of the English language bestowed in me the fire to take on this mighty task.To all those on the swing site who made me feel so wonderfully talented and full of brimming confidence to bring my standards up yo met this challenge,ten thumbs up from me folks.To Jayne,though long gone,still in my heart.To the "Assistance Sweetie" though we have yet to speak i sincerely thank you for this wonderful opportunity.To the fine ,fine ladies of Upmarket Models and Cork Dream Girls.Yes you showed me the way and you showed im ok being an arsehole and can life happily in society.Girls ,thank you.To the police for keeping us on our toes.Boys in blue my thoughts and thanks go out to you all on this fine fine winters night.To Sexy even though we part our ways like Moses parted the sea,you have pushed me forward as a mod of high quality.To the tech team,without you i could not possibly do my job.Ppl you keep this place running as smooth as a newly born babies arse,keep up the good work.To the Irish Goverment,whose destruction if this once great country gives us the time to mod and do our rightful duties.Lads consider you have my vote.To the esb without whose power i would be doomed forever to candle lit playboy reading.To Michael Collins and the men of 1916,your bravery will stand out forever more in my minds eye as I visualise your heroic efforts ro rid this country of British rule and even though you missed out on Lizzy ,your still close to my heart.I would like to thank all those who think im an arsehole.You inspire me to acheive greater highness as i follow through with my journey through time.To my ex ,even though you are no longer on this site and are still a clown i highly ,highly thank you for making me feel remarkably talented.To reb bull for ruining my mind,to panadol for fixing it.To all those who work in third world all those who despite being burdened with adversity stand up and spit in the face of it.To the ladoooOOOOOOOO,you have kept me on my toes so from one busy guy to a lazy sod,i say hey ladooooooooo,thank Ken the Fireman.Oh the thoughts of your warm hands around my scrotum on those long dreary evernings bring back tear filled memories of our exotic anal fun and frolics.Kenny,if im ever drowning youll be the first ill call.And what about johnR?Oh john .Unlike the Wordless Wonder you spoke to me and I hope they got you down off that satellite dish.To all the women who have met me in my life,i say thank you for putting up with me and may your have wonderous joyous days and night of happiness.To the mechanic round the cornor.Id be lost with ya.To my dentist who keeps me smiling and shiney ,to my doctor who keeps me alive and well and to my shrink who enables me to think these wholesome solid thoughts of love.I drove you nuts but was i worth it,better to be rich and mad right?To that virus i had over Xmas ,you brought out farts of harmony that even took me by surprise so thank you.To all those who think im a dick ,thank you,to all those you think im not ,thank you,to all those who cant make up their minds ,thank you.And finally to the lord himself,even though i came out a bit different to what you anticipated,you have always being there for me.When i look back in times of trouble asking where the fuck you were ,i hadnt realised you were carrying me through these rough times.

    Regardless i dont want to make this speech too longwinded.Thank you all.

    I will do my very utmost best.

    What a boring cunt,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Did QPH write that speech for you
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default No i wrote it myself

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Did QPH write that speech for you
    i started it last night and just finished up now.Cant you feel the raw emotion in that speech?Ive filled four empty pea cans with my tears as i wrote.One of those great moments in history dont you think?Like Martys "i have a dream speech".Well i too have a dream,just forgotten what it was though.

    I write my own stuff and wipe my own ass too,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Did QPH write that speech for you
    You beat me to it Highway, I was going to ask him that myself.

    But on second thoughts, it bears all the hallmarks of a Westie s all over the shop but there s a grain of universal truth and brilliance locked away in there somewhere.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Thumbs up

    I lay languishing in literary lethargy at your encapsulation of what it must be to be simply


    Your speech will be afore sunup on the desks of Japanese English students much like Obama's speech was and throughout the land of the rising sun will be heard the unique vernacular of a unique poster.


    I can almost hear them now in that oriental accent from Okinawa to the Kurile islands recite as one voice……




    I’m off...

    Long after the ticker tape has fallen scholars will pour over the body of this speech and attempt to decipher what hidden metaphors and meanings are contained within but for now let us just savor the moment and tomorrow put our shoulders to the task of being worthy of having being in his presence at this historic juncture of rhyme and reason, of hopeland over soapland.

    As the king himself did beseech the minds of eager dreamers and hate filled schemers in the shadow of an equally great liberator as now has taken the reigns of modderdom to steer us to higher ground and fertile plains...

    Free at last…free at last….thank Mod almighty we are free at last.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default I didnt even see this one,

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    I lay languishing in literary lethargy at your encapsulation of what it must be to be simply


    Your speech will be afore sunup on the desks of Japanese English students much like Obama's speech was and throughout the land of the rising sun will be heard the unique vernacular of a unique poster.


    I can almost hear them now in that oriental accent from Okinawa to the Kurile islands recite as one voice……




    I’m off...

    Long after the ticker tape has fallen scholars will pour over the body of this speech and attempt to decipher what hidden metaphors and meanings are contained within but for now let us just savor the moment and tomorrow put our shoulders to the task of being worthy of having being in his presence at this historic juncture of rhyme and reason, of hopeland over soapland.

    As the king himself did beseech the minds of eager dreamers and hate filled schemers in the shadow of an equally great liberator as now has taken the reigns of modderdom to steer us to higher ground and fertile plains...

    Free at last…free at last….thank Mod almighty we are free at last.
    Why thank you so much QPH.It will be indeed a great honour and priviledge.This is the great part about being single this Valentines.Sort of frees my brain cells up a bit.Less to keep the brain busy and even less again to let it empty.

    The LAdooooooooo is doing rehearsals for his upcoming strike.Apparently they expect to be very busy alot busier than if they were working.They have placards and are practicong the moves.I can see it now,the ladooooooo and co under ahedge in Stephens Green holdind a placard.

    Up to the right,down ,up to the left,down,look left and up again.

    All for the good of the economy.Funny i met a guy earlier and he just started going on about the public service strike looming.He says the pay isnt that great for some of them.I said it is when they dont have to work.

    They are kidding themselves these bums,

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by WTF View Post
    Cough cough cough.hmmm

    I ,Westside, of sound mind and body (hehheheh) hereby declare that i sec dod is going ape.BRB

    Get out it ya little bollix,go on f off out and dont be trying to hump the cat either.I told you numerous times,he doesnt do anal,your too big for him and let the blow up doll alone too.

    Sorry about that.Now where am i?Ah right that i will do to the best of my abilities in a fair and impartial manner conduct the rules of this site,unbiased and without flaw.

    I would like to thank a few ppl here for this wonderful occaision.Firstly to my parents for having me,my teachers for teaching me and the girls for dumping me.Also i would like to thank,in no particular order,"The Sweetie" (reg tm) for giving me this prestigous honour,to those that follow the rules and of course to those that break them which is pretty much the whole site,to my dog and cats who provide with with inspiration to pass this recession,to those who stated i would make a fine mod even though i already knew my heartfelt thanks to all of you.To QPH whose fine and unique articulation of the English language bestowed in me the fire to take on this mighty task.To all those on the swing site who made me feel so wonderfully talented and full of brimming confidence to bring my standards up yo met this challenge,ten thumbs up from me folks.To Jayne,though long gone,still in my heart.To the "Assistance Sweetie" though we have yet to speak i sincerely thank you for this wonderful opportunity.To the fine ,fine ladies of Upmarket Models and Cork Dream Girls.Yes you showed me the way and you showed im ok being an arsehole and can life happily in society.Girls ,thank you.To the police for keeping us on our toes.Boys in blue my thoughts and thanks go out to you all on this fine fine winters night.To Sexy even though we part our ways like Moses parted the sea,you have pushed me forward as a mod of high quality.To the tech team,without you i could not possibly do my job.Ppl you keep this place running as smooth as a newly born babies arse,keep up the good work.To the Irish Goverment,whose destruction if this once great country gives us the time to mod and do our rightful duties.Lads consider you have my vote.To the esb without whose power i would be doomed forever to candle lit playboy reading.To Michael Collins and the men of 1916,your bravery will stand out forever more in my minds eye as I visualise your heroic efforts ro rid this country of British rule and even though you missed out on Lizzy ,your still close to my heart.I would like to thank all those who think im an arsehole.You inspire me to acheive greater highness as i follow through with my journey through time.To my ex ,even though you are no longer on this site and are still a clown i highly ,highly thank you for making me feel remarkably talented.To reb bull for ruining my mind,to panadol for fixing it.To all those who work in third world all those who despite being burdened with adversity stand up and spit in the face of it.To the ladoooOOOOOOOO,you have kept me on my toes so from one busy guy to a lazy sod,i say hey ladooooooooo,thank Ken the Fireman.Oh the thoughts of your warm hands around my scrotum on those long dreary evernings bring back tear filled memories of our exotic anal fun and frolics.Kenny,if im ever drowning youll be the first ill call.And what about johnR?Oh john .Unlike the Wordless Wonder you spoke to me and I hope they got you down off that satellite dish.To all the women who have met me in my life,i say thank you for putting up with me and may your have wonderous joyous days and night of happiness.To the mechanic round the cornor.Id be lost with ya.To my dentist who keeps me smiling and shiney ,to my doctor who keeps me alive and well and to my shrink who enables me to think these wholesome solid thoughts of love.I drove you nuts but was i worth it,better to be rich and mad right?To that virus i had over Xmas ,you brought out farts of harmony that even took me by surprise so thank you.To all those who think im a dick ,thank you,to all those you think im not ,thank you,to all those who cant make up their minds ,thank you.And finally to the lord himself,even though i came out a bit different to what you anticipated,you have always being there for me.When i look back in times of trouble asking where the fuck you were ,i hadnt realised you were carrying me through these rough times.

    Regardless i dont want to make this speech too longwinded.Thank you all.

    I will do my very utmost best.

    What a boring cunt,



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Why

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post

    thank you Rory.Short and sweet,like i like my craps.

    I know ,you can jiggle,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by WTF View Post
    thank you Rory.Short and sweet,like i like my craps.

    I know ,you can jiggle,
    Why, do you do the taste test too?

    (try saying that a few times!)

    BTW could you please delete my "porn - do girls watch it thread"

    I made a bollocks of that too!


    I thought PAT (your boss, well we are all your boss now!) said no more threads about MODS?

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