Zika virus is mutating. Originally only found in monkeys, evolved to infect humans in 1947, transmitted by mosquitos that only occur in tropical and sub-tropical environments. Causes 'flu like symptoms, but if it infects a pregnant woman can cause very serious birth defects such as microencephaly or small head which is a serious life long disability.

Now there is emerging evidence that "ordinary" mosquitos can transmit the virus which means it could spread nearly globally very quickly! There is also emerging evidence that it can be spread via sexual contact in semen.

There is a current outbreak in South America, and women are advised to avoid pregnancy. There is no commercially available vaccine as of yet.

If I was a punter who is with a partner who is pregnant or trying to get pregnant, I would avoid intimate contact with semen of anyone who has recently been in South America, and be a bit nervous of any bodily fluid exchange, such as saliva, until we get the full picture of how this virus is capable of transmission.

Please note, it's only punters with contact with potentially pregnant ladies!!