Quote Originally Posted by Jgoldsmith1977 View Post
So today I phoned 5 escorts. Their English was not great but more surprising was the fact the 3 Spanish escorts did not speak Spanish and the French escort did not speak French.

By the time I phoned the American I was just so cross I hung up when confronted by the wrong accent.

So why do some escorts (maybe most escorts) tell lies on their profiles I mean shaving a few years off their actual age I can understand but telling lies about the languages they speak, the services they offer or indeed having fake pictures I just do not understand.

A while back I arranged to meet a girl (actually currently advertising) and was greeted by another girl (also currently advertising) When I asked where the girl who I arranged to meet was the girl said "it is me, I have dyed my hair Is problem?" I answered well yes actually it is first you thinking I would believe that is insulting and 2nd you have wasted my time. I then just walked out passing some strange looking Indian or pakistani fellow who like something out of a sitcom had his ear on a glass pressed to the wall.

After much thought I have come to realise that the problem with the industry is not the girls but the punters because they tolerate a substandard and often overpriced service instead of just walking away.
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