Quote Originally Posted by TonyB View Post
Some time ago, a young lady asked me if she could cancel my appointment as she had been offered a much longer booking.
I knew her asking was really telling me, so I agreed. At least she was polite about it.

About an hour later I got a call that her other booking hadn't showed, but I was just going into visit another lady.
I must admit I did take a little pleasure telling her this
Ah yes — a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

She had some neck ringing you back when plans fell through LOL

Quote Originally Posted by MidlifeCrisis View Post
Once clients or escorts start using it as an excuse - "I can let them down because they might let me down" - it is a vicious circle that could cause much more wasted time in the long run.
This is the point I was making earlier — once one thinks the other will "let them down" they then feel it is OK to do the same — it could easily become a vicious circle that will spiral out of control.