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Thread: Munich stations evacuated over 'IS attack threat'

  1. #51
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Over 3,770 Migrants Have Died Trying to Cross the Mediterranean to Europe in 2015
    Geneva - With over 3,770 estimated deaths, 2015 has been the deadliest year on record for migrants and refugees crossing the Mediterranean, trying to reach Europe. In comparison, approximately 3,270 deaths were recorded in the Mediterranean in 2014. Globally, IOM estimates that over 5,350 migrants died in 2015.
    The deadliest month in 2015 was April when nearly 1,250 migrants died, mainly due to the worst tragedy on record involving migrants crossing the Mediterranean from North Africa, in which an estimated 800 migrants died when their overcrowded vessel capsized off the coast of Libya. Only 28 survivors were rescued and brought to Italy.
    Seventy-seven percent (77%) of the deaths occurred in the Central Mediterranean route mostly used by smugglers operating from Libyan shores. This compares to 97% of migrant deaths recorded along this route in 2014.
    In 2015, 21% of deaths occurred in the Eastern Mediterranean compared to only 1% in 2014. In the Central Mediterranean, deaths recorded were down by 9% from last year with the rate of death at 18.5 deaths per every 1,000 travellers.
    Globally, the majority of the estimated 5,350 deaths were recorded with the Mediterranean, the most deadly region, followed by Southeast Asia (mostly in the Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea, Malaysia and Thailand) which saw at least 800 deaths this year. Within Mexico and along the US-Mexico border there have been at least 330 deaths recorded this year.
    Reacting to the 2015 figures, IOM Director General William Lacy Swing, said: “It is shocking and inexcusable that desperate migrants and refugees have lost their lives in record numbers this year, when they should not. The international community world must act now to stop this trend against desperate migrants.”
    “Migration has been the major theme of 2015, with record numbers of refugees and migrants arriving in Europe, fleeing from conflict and acute poverty. Throughout the year, we have been reminded that much of human mobility is not voluntary and tragically we have seen so many who felt they had no option but to leave their beloved homelands and were lost at sea, in the deserts or trapped in the back of lorries they had hoped would carry them to a safer and better life,” said Ambassador Swing."One of the major challenges for the coming years would be for the international community to work diligently towards changing from the current toxic migration narrative to one that is more historically accurate, namely, that migration has been overwhelmingly positive. We can do this through measures that will help governments and societies to manage diversity. This will require addressing several paradoxes of (a) national sovereignty of states and individual aspiration of migrants; and, (b) protecting national security on the one hand and human security on the other," Ambassador Swing said.IOM’s Missing Migrants Project which draws on a range of sources to track deaths of migrants along migratory routes across the globe is managed by IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) in Berlin, Germany. Data from this project was initially published in the report Fatal Journeys: Tracking Lives Lost during Migration, which provided the most comprehensive global tally of migrant fatalities for 2014, and estimates deaths over the past 15 years. Since the publication of Fatal Journeys, IOM has regularly updated the global estimated figures of migrants who have gone missing or have died during the migration process.
    Last edited by joggon; 03-01-16 at 14:40.
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  2. The Following User Says Thank You to joggon For This Useful Post:

    gonzo76 (03-01-16)

  3. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo76 View Post
    Hi Stephanie,

    It is a challenge, for sure, but it is a problem that we are faced with. So what is to be done? Do you have a solution other than closing the borders? We see the result of that. Another 16 gone on Christmas Eve, including 6 children. These people are desperate, they will get on these coffin boats because they have no other choice.

    Just the cost argument is a fallacy. All creditable surveys and analysis shows that immigration and migrant workers add a net positive to the economy. And it is the country of emigration that suffers. Do you recall the lamentation of the "brain drain" in Ireland not just in recent years but also in the 80's?

    Nowhere this this more apparent than in the USA. And to continue on the cost argument - there seems to be no difficulty footing the cost of bombing and the war machine

    Your comment on people looking for "handouts"? Again, the research does not support this.

    I think all this talk of an invasion is overly alarmist. You discredit the intelligence and the integrity of existing countries to reject external and even internal pressures on secular policies. A country is either secular or it is not. As if Germany, France or Ireland are going to implement Sharia law? Do you honestly think this is possible? Let us also not forget that many, if not most of the Muslim-majority countries are politically secular. Of course, we must keep our politicians honest and the system intact. FFS, we can't even reverse water charges and the property tax, do you think we're going to implement Sharia law?
    My apologies for a very tardy reply -- have been otherwise occupied x

    To answer your question :

    In several European cities already there are No Go zones for original local (read white / Christian or Jewish) residents .

    No go even for Local Police , Local Authorities !! No go for social workers , no go for Welfare checks of children --

    Female children at that (FGM !!) .

    Who are we (you) fooling with these pussyfooting posts and EU non-tactics ??

    Here a vid fits just right in. >>
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  4. Default

    Who the Stoat ? Who the Rabbit ?

    Lefty Blindness :shake head: x

    ** btw , I AM a Leftie on most issues . xxx

    Universal healthcare , universal education , help the disadvantaged any way we - reasonably - can , etc .

    Soup kitchens and outreach programs . I'm all there !! Help those in need !!!

    Universal childcare so parents could go to work ; job creation ! Maybe even higher taxes -- for legal residents .


    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Stephanie For This Useful Post:

    Vitruvian (07-01-16)

  6. #54
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    May 2008


    Hitchens was right, the caliphate will soon be upon us, the enemy of freedom is at the gate! and not for the first time will Europe be under seige, and yes, religion poisions everything. BTW Christianity would behave similarly, if it thought it could get away with it, and has.

  7. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Check this out, I found it the other day.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    tom sand (07-01-16)

  9. #56
    Join Date
    May 2008


    LOL I read it as Bulging Pshchic vagina.... too much bizzare porn on xnxx

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to pigsmickey For This Useful Post:

    Floki (07-01-16), joggon (09-01-16)

  11. #57
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    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post

    Lefty Blindness :shake head: x

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
    Who are we (you) fooling with these pussyfooting posts and EU non-tactics ??

    Hi Stephanie,

    ok, so you want to talk about Sharia4Belgium, which has been categorised as a terrorist organisation and its spokesman jailed. Well then we should also talk about the IRA, the UVF, the WestBoro Baptists, The Army of God, the Eastern Lightning, The Lord's Resistance Army, Aum Shinriko, the 969 movement.... I could go on... the point is illegal, terrorist, fringe extremism exists everywhere, regardless of religion... some examples below from varied sources:

    Also, responding to your video about Sharia4Belgium, you do know the network that broadcast that: CBN - is founded by a Christian Fundamentalist - you might have heard of him - Pat Robertson. Read up about him. Interesting. Always consider the source. Always.

    Moving on... FGM... and other things...

    Your stoat video - sorry, I cannot make sense of that, so no response...

    To get back to my original question: what would you do? You did not provide any solution. Again I reiterate, and your bigot-sourced video even provides evidence - the problem is here. It has been here for decades. It is not a problem that is being brought in new with these Syrian refugees. We cannot stop the problem by stopping refugees, and we must be clear that the refugees are actually a clear demonstration of how terrible ISIS is and how clearly they are not ISIS supporters. And in fact, EU and US/Canada attempts to block or restrict refugees, actually boosts the ISIS propaganda and agenda.

    Does any of that go against a need for proper screening? No, of course not! Of course ISIS will try to sneak in sleeper agents. But that is not the refugees' fault. It is our fault. As I said, the EU has a responsibility to protect its citizens. To that end, the fact that these terrorist attacks have happened means in my opinion that the Belgian and the French intelligence agencies dropped the ball.

    And to finish, yes, if there are "no-go" areas like you say - then shame on us. That should not be allowed. Do you not see that that is a clear condemnation of how the native cultures and the immigration processes are completely broken? A foreign visitor to Ireland once said to me, when I asked him - what do you think of Ireland - he responded "everyone's Irish". It made me think - was there no immigration to Ireland because people did not want to come here (financially/jobs/weather!!), or because they were not made welcome? This was in the late 90's, btw.

    Anyway, I have participated in this discussion in a respectful manner, and encourage intelligent, constructive and respectful discussion in the hopes of learning and sharing ideas. But to be called "pussyfooting", "lefty blindness"? Sorry. I don't see where that helps. So you can take my response as my last response.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to gonzo76 For This Useful Post:

    joggon (09-01-16)

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Does Islam promote violence?
    I say all religions promote violence.

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    gonzo76 (07-01-16)

  15. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Floki View Post
    Does Islam promote violence?
    I say all religions promote violence.
    Ignorance promotes violence.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to gonzo76 For This Useful Post:

    joggon (09-01-16)

  17. #60
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Hey Gonzo, thought you said you were finished responding..!

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to pigsmickey For This Useful Post:

    gonzo76 (08-01-16)

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