Quote Originally Posted by Kliati moskali View Post
As i said to you before dont speak about other peoples families if you dont know ther situation.
And you if you do , be prepared to have you own family brought in to it.

You are actually the only escort i saw for a bet ,again you lie.
I know u are not the only person who wear pink and black, but you are the only one i saw wearing these colours that has a saggy stomach hanging out over the knickers.

Something which is very cleverly hidden from your photographs ,good photographer or good PHOTO SHOP.

Anna and I don't believe a word you say or trust you so nerr........

So what name did you use when you came to see me and then i can check my diary -

You can't tell me cos you never did now did you - he he he he ......... you honestly don't believe that the guys don't pm me now do you - you would be so wrong - there are too many now that think you are scum and too many user names - notice how many women don't like or trust you - and wont cos of your rubbish - re did it for a bet and told all the
guys..........well i dont think you told enough guys cos i couldnt see all the guys that wanted to see me - and my accountant was thrilled with me.......thanks if you did come see me - still you lie though - ahhhhhhhhhh you just didn't though did you? Or was it Tom or dick - we all think you have lost the plot re you sad circumstances - how would any of us know - i do mean any of us - sure the number would be zero..........

Mention my family again and you will be sorry the day you were born - you are evil and anna and I have had enough of you and your type.

Mention Anna's family and you will have me to deal with and a whole load more and you won't like it when Epsilon has a go at you cos he won't be 'avin a laugh.