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Thread: Antoine Leiris post.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by beautyaddict View Post
    Thank you for that I am a bit embarrassed but thank you, but what surprises me or does it, just how few comments on your post, if it were hang em all stuff i wonder how many posts you would have got
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that." Martin Luther King Jr.

    Just as after the 9/11 attacks, I deplore the rush to revenge and retaliate. By doing so we reduce ourselves to their barbaric standards.
    I am disappointed in Hollande for his lack of moral courage

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to EIFII For This Useful Post:

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  3. #12
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    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by EIFII View Post
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that." Martin Luther King Jr.

    Just as after the 9/11 attacks, I deplore the rush to revenge and retaliate. By doing so we reduce ourselves to their barbaric standards.
    I am disappointed in Hollande for his lack of moral courage
    What might Britain consider or be called on to consider if several hundred people were butchered or gunned down on the streets of London?
    Platitudes are easy.
    10,000 years of Middle Eastern civilisation and the place is not at peace but rather in pieces.

  4. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by alcatel View Post
    What might Britain consider or be called on to consider if several hundred people were butchered or gunned down on the streets of London?
    Platitudes are easy.
    Such as in July 2005 you mean?

    Platitudes are not at all easy. They take a lot more courage than knee jerk populist reactions

  5. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by EIFII View Post
    Such as in July 2005 you mean?

    Platitudes are not at all easy. They take a lot more courage than knee jerk populist reactions
    There are a lot of hoarders of moral outrage wanting to spew about knee jerk reactions.
    Last edited by alcatel; 20-11-15 at 20:17.
    10,000 years of Middle Eastern civilisation and the place is not at peace but rather in pieces.

  6. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by beautyaddict View Post
    I have taken the time to study the religion I am aware of the issues, i also know many Muslims from here and other countries who would not see themselves in what you have said. as to collateral damage this I agree. as to post colonial and wringing etc i suspect this is more your perception/ bias than my words ,really do not know where you got that from. The Washington post has published a v similar article if you can believe that. The middle east has a complex history to say the least. Our meddling has not helped but its a wee bit too late now is it not
    Your assumption that all/many Muslims hate our way of life is quite frankly the worst form of ignorance. their are millions of Muslims who remain peaceful and integrated into society. Where is your evidence of this. When the IRA was bombing the UK most English people were sensible enough to know we were not all raging killers thankfully people making baseless assumptions were not given too much oxygen back then

    Exactly how do you believe we can protect Europe a wall, more bombing to add to the 1 trillion dollars worth already spent. You do not address the refugees i note or are they all also to be turned away, perhaps you should try to think more creatively instead of the repetitive broken/wrong key thinking to unlock the problem nor do you address ISIl who have killed more Muslims than any others. To win this war with ISIL we need to not only defeat them but to do so in a manner that is seen by the majority of Muslims as self defence and fair. Hand wringing post colonial my ass seriously , but i do agree with your historical analysis of the region , just a shame you feel the need to place ill informed labels on others. BTW if the free movement of people is heavily restricted it will possibly put Europe into recession again I suspect that suits the ISIL agenda
    Epic John Dunnesque posts are tiring.
    You make a lot of assumptions also about any opinion I may or may not have.
    Personally I believe that once the towers of Ballymun were vacated they should not have been demolished.If retained they could now be used and stuffed to the gills with refugees.This is likely the type of situation that many refugees will find themselves in across Europe.Are we likely going to end up ghettoising many of these people.
    Ireland has stated it may take in 4,000.Are these people to be given permanent residency or are they to languish in direct provision centres with the 19 euros weekly as is the lot of current asylum seekers for years .Will they be allowed to work?Will there children effectively be excluded from third level education by being forced to pay non-EU rates?Ireland could easily take more than 4,000.Are you lobbying govt ministers or TDs if you are so concerned about refugees.
    Should places other than Europe take more refugees?
    Obama has stated ,America may take 10,000 carefully selected from camps.
    Russia won't take any (probably as well for the refugees)
    Australia probably not .
    What part should the rich Arab Gulf States play.....the ones we shower with oil dollars.
    And do those states funnel funding to many of these Islamic fundamentalist groups?
    The more you seek answers ,the more questions you find.
    Something to ponder.

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to HouseofCards For This Useful Post:

    Escort AdvertiserStephanie (20-11-15), Vitruvian (21-11-15)

  8. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by beautyaddict View Post
    I have taken the time to study the religion I am aware of the issues, i also know many Muslims from here and other countries who would not see themselves in what you have said. as to collateral damage this I agree. as to post colonial hand wringing etc i suspect this is more your perception/ bias than my words ,really do not know where you got that from. The Washington post has published a v similar article if you can believe that. The middle east has a complex history to say the least. Our meddling has not helped but its a wee bit too late now is it not
    Your assumption that all/many Muslims hate our way of life is quite frankly the worst form of ignorance. their are millions of Muslims who remain peaceful and integrated into society. Where is your evidence of this. When the IRA was bombing the UK most English people were sensible enough to know we were not all raging killers thankfully people making baseless assumptions were not given too much oxygen back then

    Exactly how do you believe we can protect Europe a wall, more bombing to add to the 1 trillion dollars worth already spent. You do not address the refugees i note or are they all also to be turned away, perhaps you should try to think more creatively instead of the repetitive broken/wrong key thinking to unlock the problem nor do you address ISIl who have killed more Muslims than any others. To win this war with ISIL we need to not only defeat them but to do so in a manner that is seen by the majority of Muslims as self defense and fair.
    Hand wringing post colonial my ass seriously , but i do agree with your historical analysis of the region , just a shame you feel the need to place ill informed labels on others. BTW if the free movement of people is heavily restricted it will possibly put Europe into recession again I suspect that suits the ISIL agenda
    Where are they !!!?

    The 'majority of Muslims' ?? Where are they ? : the Moderate Muslims ??

    Why are they not protesting in the streets !? Why are they not 'ears to the ground' help to the local governments ??

    Why ??

    Hand wringing -- post colonial or otherwise - is exactly what's happening , and it's sickening .

    No one !! : (no Nation , no collective of nations [UN] , not NATO (!!) in Europe seem to have the stomach for it.

    It's a Fubar quagmire if I'd ever seen one . !

    I'm just in from Brussels and France ;

    Calais ... : is a ghost town. Local people have disappeared off the streets .

    : No trade , no people walking on the street .

    I've been through that town many a times by now -- there's a marked difference . People are scared . : Local people .

    Drove from Croatia through Hungary , Austria , Germany , Netherlands , Belgium , France , UK and onto Ireland.

    : the absolute lack of security is astounding !! The absolute lack of checks and balances is absolutely unthinkable !!

    I drive a jeep : I very easy would have room for at the very least 10 ppl in my vehicle -- hidden .

    Yet no one asked anything of me , no one asked for papers , no clear border crossings , no one asked me for 'sh*te' .

    IN THE WAKE OF FRIDAY's events !!?

    Who ye all , who are we all fooling ??

    : Bad guys drove from Brussels to Paris , then back again , with no one the wiser .

    : One of them came in through Greece and right through Hungary , to go on to carry out a major attack in Paris.

    Remember all them 'refugees' forcibly breaking down the Serbian-Hungarian border in Sept !?

    All the bleeding heart 'cake-at-the-station' do gooders , while the masses were shi*ting and pis*sing and

    raping their way through the country .

    I just shake my head at the naïveté and shortsighted point scoring of the few politicians .

    It's at Your pain .

    : in order to continue to be able to have free unrestricted movement of people and goods across Europe ,

    Schengen Borders NEED BE PROTECTED !!

    That's the bottom line :

    letting all squandry haphazard persons cross right into Europe and then have them have the freedom to keep

    crossing as they wish across Europe , and in the meanwhile commit crimes (terrorist etc. or otherwise) ,

    is just not tenable !!

    It s new day .. It's a new dawn ... And I don't feel god about it x
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  9. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Stephanie For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (20-11-15), Cable87 (20-11-15), Vitruvian (21-11-15)

  10. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by HouseofCards View Post
    Epic John Dunnesque posts are tiring.
    You make a lot of assumptions also about any opinion I may or may not have.
    Personally I believe that once the towers of Ballymun were vacated they should not have been demolished.If retained they could now be used and stuffed to the gills with refugees.This is likely the type of situation that many refugees will find themselves in across Europe.Are we likely going to end up ghettoising many of these people.
    Ireland has stated it may take in 4,000.Are these people to be given permanent residency or are they to languish in direct provision centres with the 19 euros weekly as is the lot of current asylum seekers for years .Will they be allowed to work?Will there children effectively be excluded from third level education by being forced to pay non-EU rates?Ireland could easily take more than 4,000.Are you lobbying govt ministers or TDs if you are so concerned about refugees.
    Should places other than Europe take more refugees?
    Obama has stated ,America may take 10,000 carefully selected from camps.
    Russia won't take any (probably as well for the refugees)
    Australia probably not .
    What part should the rich Arab Gulf States play.....the ones we shower with oil dollars.
    And do those states funnel funding to many of these Islamic fundamentalist groups?
    The more you seek answers ,the more questions you find.
    Something to ponder.
    Obama : 10,000 -- not even a drop in the bucket . It's a symbolic gesture at best .

    Yet ! Security concerns prevail !

    Imagine if 1 (!) of the ten thousand had gone astray !! : It's home security , it's politics ,

    it's political ammunition for the respective parties xx

    As to taking refugees in : IMO the countries nearest to their respective nations should be given technological and (¡)

    financial support to be able to support the refugee numbers ==> with the ultimate goal of the refugees being able

    to return to their home countries , to hopefully being able to pick up life , and forge ahead for a new future in a

    (hopefully) more forgiving , more democratic setting . [idealist , I am . I know x]
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Stephanie For This Useful Post:

    alcatel (20-11-15), Barney Rubble (20-11-15)

  12. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    So nice a thread started to show respect for one man who in a moment of grief most of us will never have to witness or indeed comprehend has fallen on deaf or perhaps dumb ears,This was posted for people who had not seen what Antoine had said,it was never meant to be a thread for discussing or debating the same shit that has been discussed,it was and is a powerful message I realise not everyone can see beyond themselves but for those of us that can I would hope and pray If I am ever in his position I could muster the courage and belief to post what Antoine said.

  13. The Following User Says Thank You to bettercallsaul For This Useful Post:

    EIFII (20-11-15)

  14. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by bettercallsaul View Post
    So nice a thread started to show respect for one man who in a moment of grief most of us will never have to witness or indeed comprehend has fallen on deaf or perhaps dumb ears,This was posted for people who had not seen what Antoine had said,it was never meant to be a thread for discussing or debating the same shit that has been discussed,it was and is a powerful message I realise not everyone can see beyond themselves but for those of us that can I would hope and pray If I am ever in his position I could muster the courage and belief to post what Antoine said.
    + 1.

    I hope I am never again in his place .

    Well done Saul for bringing his raw heartache to our attention .

    It's heartbreaking , and it is inspiring in its purity of soul and emotion .
    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  15. #20
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Stephanie has a point about free movement. On the news we see families with young children gettin of crowded boats & too many reports of boats capsizing . Then on other reports it shows young men that are economic migrants more than refugees. But in all honesty who can say among either group are genuine? We have seen families leaving the UK to join ISIS & who is to say that the same aren't among the families comin into the EU ? No one knows. The unfortunate thing is that as in any conflict it is the innocent that suffer. Wish there was a simple solution to all this but I cannot see 1. I don't feel good either.:-(

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Barney Rubble For This Useful Post:

    Escort AdvertiserStephanie (11-05-17)

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