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Thread: Industrial Racism. This is 2009!

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    As wacko Jackson would say it dont matter if your black or white.
    The Cheeky Girls number 1 fan. Come back to Ireland girls.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Blog Entries

    Default That was the point

    Thank you Clint Eastwood! And for people to think it (the language and skin colour etc...)matters these days!?....they are suffering for lack of knowledge or wisdom. Before God we are all the same!!

    Anita Anita my sister! Read my original writing again! Viollete is like me Obama! Not having a taste in you is due to I will keep it to myself! But I have also seen Layla and have a lot more of "my kind" that I have seen! And you are also seeing all and suntry, that takes you out of this blog. Sister get the point, you sound like you are advertising! Sorry, you do not meet my criteria from all that you put up on the web, that is all and it has none to do with you being my sister!(that would also be incest..................)

    My point was/is simple. Do not segregate customers due to skin colour! It doesnot make sense to me! If it does to you, well when the time comes that it does not matter is revealed to you, you will understand!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Obama View Post
    Brenda Beauty wanting no Irish !
    u are full of sh*t, aren't u?
    Where did u get this bollox?
    I said that I WANT IRISH MEN, or English. COZ I LIKE THEM. And bcoz I'm in Ireland so I expected that I'll meet only Irish men. Coz when I go to Italy, I have there only Italian clients, when I go to Greece, I have there only Greeks and in France only French. So that's why I'm expecting here to have Irish clients only.

    And that I DON'T WANT GUYS WITH NO ENGLISH TO CALL ME, coz they calling me and they aren't even able to talk to me and ask me about service or where I'm staying etc, coz their English isn't even on conversational level. That's why I don't want them to calling me, coz it's difficult when u talk to someone and he doesn't know what u're saying.

    So why am I racist then?

    Racism is when u hate some particular ethnicity.
    I don't.
    Last edited by Brenda Beauty Babe; 10-01-09 at 18:41.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Ok,here you go.......i m coming outta my closet.......

    To Obama:
    I understand Anna Savicha not wanting Eastern European guys, perchance one of them could be someone she knows.
    This is one reason why i would not see eastern europeans,but in same time i never ever worked in my own country,and i would feel strange,maybe uncomfortable,maybe a bit paranoid i could come across person in future s everything............
    ..........but biggest issue is their attitude......
    I do understand not to measure everyone by same stick,but it happen like this.

    e-european guy called,hehas that brave attitude,and he have company around he calls......i agree to see him,had bad experience,and i m thinking...........ok,he was an asshole......

    Next time,e-european guy calls..........he insists on seeing me,i m busy,but he keeps calling,and it starts to annoy me that he cany get that i m busy that night,he starts to beg........ok,i agree to see him when it s late,i m staying longer.
    He comes,have arrogant attitude,jokes he might not pay me etc,basically punting is not only thing on his mind...........
    he goes,i feel like shit,i m promising not to see e-european guys.........
    any time someone gets me to breake my promise to myself,i regretted it,so now i m ataying hard on my own............if i m not seeing,i m not seeingfull stop.........

    Mainly it s purely based on bad experience and also i might know these people.
    I cant be racist,as i am from there myself.....

    To this one:
    I don't know if it's a specifically racism thing... just that people may have had bad experiences or associate a particular class of people with a certain region. For example Anna and Coolruss (I think?) don't like Polish people as they're known to be tough and cheapskates.
    I know polish people personallly,they re actually ok,and nice,i been dating one,and that s how i came across them.......most of them prtend to be tough,but actually they are very nice people when they re grown up......

    I would be more for not seeing Baltic countries.........romania,hungaria,etc.......i cant specify like all countries,but when u come across few asshole individuals,and all are same,u never want to see them again.

    I been with black person-he was doctor,and very nic
    chinese-he was nice too
    malaysan-he was nice too,and malaysian girl-she was beautifull
    indian guy-he was quite nice
    Lithuanian guy-couple were ignorant,only one nice,he comes from Cork,and it was long time ago
    Japanese-he was nice too
    Irish-ones i meet are nice,assholes got cut outta list
    English-all were nice

    i could make list longer........i been with most nationalities.......

    Just based on experience i decided not to see certain nationality people as they have coused trouble,and i cant say most and i see just 1%.
    If person come of eastern europe and i click with them and they re nice,i do see them,but on profile i state i dont as it s kinda speaking against what i m saying.........hopefully u understand what i mean....... s like me choosing not to see any guys from any nationality that are younger than 30.......
    I m still lurking sometimes ;-)

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by annasavicha View Post
    I would be more for not seeing Baltic countries......... s like me choosing not to see any guys from any nationality that are younger than 30.......
    im nice am i? will you date me ?

    wanted to say something about nationalities,but after little work with my brains.. thought gonna leave the idea behind :P

    there are different people and we need them all to make world go round :P
    Paxi, fixi, knaxi, lexi, knoxi, schmexi, schixi drauf.
    Paxi, fixi, reibsi, knallsi, nimmsi, wirfsi, ziehsi aus.
    Paxi, fixi, roxi, treibsi, sauxi, lutschsi, schixi drauf.
    Paxi, fixi,stoßi, popsi, reibsi, pimpsi, schmeißi raus
    Mnoga nas,mnoga nas, rusaki vezde...

  6. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by Brenda Beauty Babe View Post

    Racism is when u hate some particular ethnicity.
    No actually , legally you are racist. and it would be easy to prove just dont want to go into all this stuff..

    Lets say 20 people go to party but 21st wasn't invited cause he is black... and they say oh you're from Nigeria,when we will be in Nigeria we wont go to party,you will..
    This is thinking you use...

    So maybe somebody should use your thinking and exclude you from the E-I listing and say this is ireland.. Listing is only for irish...
    When we will become South africa or whatever we will include you ? this is the way you think....
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cuclus clan =].jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	30.0 KB 
ID:	8191  
    Paxi, fixi, knaxi, lexi, knoxi, schmexi, schixi drauf.
    Paxi, fixi, reibsi, knallsi, nimmsi, wirfsi, ziehsi aus.
    Paxi, fixi, roxi, treibsi, sauxi, lutschsi, schixi drauf.
    Paxi, fixi,stoßi, popsi, reibsi, pimpsi, schmeißi raus
    Mnoga nas,mnoga nas, rusaki vezde...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Obama man sorry to hear about your appointment that wasn't , but i do think it will be a sad day when we see escorts posting no blacks . Was this the girl , if it was i have sympathy for her !
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	shedoesnotlikecock.jpg 
Views:	50 
Size:	24.7 KB 
ID:	8194  
    I have no signature at the moment

  8. Default Oh well, its their loss

    So I'm mixed race, and for those who don't know - its a slightly lighter shade of brown.

    Well edjucated and pay more in tax than some people get paid in salary.

    So here is my point, everyone has a right to preference, its everyones god given right.

    Obama, don't get your ass in a twist man, I feel your pain but screw them, its there loss.

    Anyone with edjucation will know people are people no matter if they are black, white, yellow or blue - which is real pale

    You can't change the world and as you know, all you can do is represent properly to those who are open and edjucated enough not to pre-judge.

    So everybody chill, live your life how you want and ladies, will be calling you a bit later :-P

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2008


    The thing is though Obama titled this thread “industrial racism” and he is spot on as this is an “Industry” and an Escort is engaged in a commercial activity and Escort’s are providing a professional service.

    So treating it as such imagine if any of us put on the news tomorrow and saw a report that say a taxi company or a dentist or doctor was refusing service on grounds of race alone they would rightly be condemned for it and in the papers all over the world.

    For Obama to be refused when she just saw him but was perfectly happy to engage in a very intimate act by phone prior to seeing him is inexcusable and ignorant beyond words.

    A truly professional Escort would rightly see this job as a business and yes they are perfectly within their rights to refuse service or admission to anyone they wish just as any other business person and given the intimate nature of the job they should be allowed more latitude to refuse based on a whole range of reasons but not on someone being from any one race. They may well have had some negative meeting with one or two but to paint everyone the same based on that is ridiculous. I would imagine that some of the worst things done to Escorts in this country has been done by some white Irish skumbag so does that mean all white Irish are like that?… course not.

    Anyone, not just an Escort who thinks they are going to avoid bad people by only seeing or interacting with one section of society because they think they are somehow less of a risk is in for one hell of a disappointment at some point.

    I can see Brenda’s point of view in not wishing to see people whom she cannot talk to because of maybe zero English or a shared other language but its not realistic in today’s world to expect to only be called by say traditional Irish here or wherever given how mobile and intermixed most countries are but given the nature of this job I do see why she would wish to be able to communicate easily with the other person and her reasons are different then the escort who refused Obama.

    I am curious as to what Brenda would call being Irish though as in the next decade or so some of the new Irish that where born here will make up a percentage of future punters and they will be Irish born and speak with Irish accents but could be any number of shades of colour and not pasty white Irish so the thinking of some Escorts is going to have to change in what they see as currently being Irish as that has thankfully changed in the last decade or so and they will be coming on stream as potential customers over the next decade and on the flip side in the future an Escort who advertises herself as Irish will not mean she is Caucasian as is mostly and I think exclusively the case at the moment. So there will need to be a shift in thinking on the part of the clients also. Our perceptions of what is Irish no longer hold water.

    I would agree with kdigga that it is their loss and not to allow their ignorance to impede on Obama’s or anyone’s life but I disagree that racism is related to education or lack thereof. I have very little formal education and brought up before the welcome and I would say vital influx of cultures here so I grew up as some here will also have done in a 100% white Irish and even 100% catholic environment but have met many different races from different jobs since then and never met one who was not friendly to me or at least courteous and I cannot say the same about my fellow white Irish at times. One job brought me into thousands of homes and a lot of them were East European and African and I was always spoken to with manners or even if no english they were dignified in their behavior where as an awful lot of white Irish I found treated me as somehow that it was ok to look down on me because at that time I did not have any real education and did jobs that were looked on as menial and beneath those I called to but was never made to feel that way by non Irish.

    I’m just saying that lack of education does not mean someone will be automatically ignorant or racist as I have thought long and hard on matters of race mainly out of an interest in the African American experience but also for personal reasons as I have mixed race relations born and raised in supposedly far more multi cultural countries then Ireland who suffered at the hands of moronic imbeciles and I could sum up the whole race thing as the greatest waste of time anyone could engage in as at the end of the day we are all the same far more then we are different and we have a certain amount of heartbeats and breathes allotted to us and why waste them on such pointless endeavors as pigeonholing people. We are all just accidents of history, genetic's and happenstance and my eight pints is of no more or no less worth then anyone else’s and how dare anyone deem themselves above another.

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Default Well.....Change of Subject

    Clint Eastwood---short and to the point. Thanks man!

    AnnaSavicha..Well explained and sensible, but...... Will speak to you when I manage to see you. You wont know me and will not notice. Just waiting for my chance!

    Coolrusse....Very cool indeed man! Yeah cool!

    Kdigga..well man, yeah thanks for the support! Am black as in black but really am I black? You are my pal!

    Rimmerguy....thanks mate. The picture makes good humour! Those are actually rubber dongs, not real....some of us are near there, normal distribution very few with short, more on average and few with long, whatever parameter it is there will be normal distribution (Brenda are you still with me here!?)

    Brenda Beauty Bitch (do you remember calling yourself that?)...Russian now you are? What were you before then? Did Russians speak English before or even now...!? When you first escorted as a Russian in an English speaking country did you speak English or made love in English, enough to use it today to segregate clients? And as QPH says being Irish doesnot make one white/pink etc being Irish means you are Irish. So sister grow up.. to you I say and think sometimes that we should not argue with fools coz people may not see the difference. So when you are warm in a pile of shit, keep your mouth shut!!

    QPH...thanks for the rescue. Man, do not waste your inteligence here, these people want your money alone. You as good as educated as any other. Put that to excellent use. Thank you for your support. You can marry my sister and I can marry yours, is that allowed here, back home it will be taboo!! Thanks all.

    Change of subject.
    A black man and a white woman have had two sets of female twins in both cases one of the twin pairs is black and the other is white.......comments welcome!!

    Before God we are all the same!!!!!!!!!!!!

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