Quote Originally Posted by Dub-Boy View Post
Having seen how good Utd were last nite, ahem...enough said, i have been thinking that Chelsea have been lucky in some of their last few games, i beleive that they are not the force that were under Mourinho, i am going to stick 50 yo yo's on a 3-0 win for Utd, i am putting my hand out to be slapped here, but whats the point in betting if the stakes are'nt high.

If i win , i will travel to Cork to see Lizzy with my winnings and if i lose, as a form of punishment, i will travel to Cork to see Lizzy and she can gloat at me at how good Chelsea are.

Now for a shot of cocaine and away i go..
Great call though u could do a lot better with your winnings(I'll direct u!)
what odds u get for 3-0?