Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
Why dont they just nuke the planet and get things over with ffs. Bunch of fuckin idiots destroying the whole fuckin planet fighting over economics and religion. why dont they take their jesus, ala, koran , mohommad and just fuck off somewhere else. You cant even go to a fast food joint now ffs in some countries and forget about a seminar. I mean suicide bombing? What a great idea. Everytime theres a bang the worlds a wanker short. They have to replace the instructor every class because he can only demonstrate once ya know. I go for a walk, a fuckin walk and Im handed a whole load of shit. I hands it back and he wont take it so I throw it on the ground. " Some day youll have to stand in front of the lord" he cries. I grabbed the cunt by the neck and told him ill bring him so mucher closer to the lord if he didnt pick up his junk and fuck off. Shower of blunt ignorant bastards and try fear and even violence and death to express themselves. Go fuck off you cunts and let the world to people who appreciate the fuckin thing.

that's so sweet, Mary Poppins couldn't wrote it better herself