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Thread: New Year, New Rules...

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    hi pat

    the stretching rule,

    does this include escort s that have added 7,8,9 lines of text to their signatures,when posting


  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninebythree View Post
    hi pat

    the stretching rule,

    does this include escort s that have added 7,8,9 lines of text to their signatures,when posting

    No, because that doesn't actually stretch the page out.

    Why, do you find some escort sigs annoying? We may be able to limit the amount of text etc allowed in sigs... I'll check.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I might be stating the obvious here but, are these rules going to be displayed where people can see them permanantly. I noticed yesterday this topic slipped away down further than more trivial topics.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
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  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    I might be stating the obvious here but, are these rules going to be displayed where people can see them permanantly. I noticed yesterday this topic slipped away down further than more trivial topics.
    Yes they will be. I only created this thread here to see what everyone thought of the new rules. Seeing as there has been no major flaws pointed out, they will now be put live later today.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    Pretty much everything is covered as far as I can see and is very comprehensive but my only little thing I’d like changed is the part that deals with posting personel info,

    "You can expect to be permanently banned if you break this rule"

    I think that needs to say,

    You will be permanently banned if you break this rule and all known aliases in as much as that is possible.

    Saying you can 'expect' is a little vague as I can ‘expect’ it to rain tomorrow but that does not mean it 'will' rain. There needs to be zero doubt as to what will happen. There is no excuse for doing that and there should be no way back for that username or known usernames.

    I think posting non relevent stuff on Escorts adds and in warning section needs to be tightened up also. Unless the Escort does not mind a bit of banter on her ad that is but no hostile stuff to her should be allowed or for the ad to be hijacked and run for pages about nothing to do with anything.

    Other then that, very good job and the most important part now is total and impartial enforcement.

    Hammers are half price in woodies this week Pat, start cracking skulls
    and good luck to any of the mods. hard hats and ear plugs are also half price. Bring jemmy bar to E-I petty cash box
    Last edited by Oven Ready Eddie; 07-01-09 at 15:41.
    This message brought to you by the P.L.O. The poultry Liberation Organization. Motto, We Lay as we Slay

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oven Ready Eddie View Post
    Pretty much everything is covered as far as I can see and is very comprehensive but my only little thing I’d like changed is the part that deals with posting personel info,

    "You can expect to be permanently banned if you break this rule"

    I think that needs to say,

    You will be permanently banned if you break this rule and all known aliases in as much as that is possible.

    Saying you can 'expect' is a little vague as I can ‘expect’ it to rain tomorrow but that does not mean it 'will' rain. There needs to be zero doubt as to what will happen.
    The reason I have phrased it like that is that there have been occassions in the last while where people have broken this rule but I haven't felt they deserve a permanent ban for doing so.

    On the face of it, a permanent ban is the only fitting punishment for any user that posts another user's personal info.

    But - in reality - people have tried to use this rule to get others banned before.

    E.g. Bigpaws decided his first name was XYZ but encouraged people to post XYZ so he could then say "Patricia you must ban so and so now as he has just posted my real name". If I'd have banned everyone who bigpaws wound up enough to say "FU XYZ" or similar, several prominent members of this community would now be gone.

    In that case I decided not to permanently ban the people bigpaws wound up into repeating his apparent first name, as I felt it was bigpaws deliberately causing the shit to try to get people banned and I wasn't playing along with that silly game of his.

    Then bigpaws posted another users first name and surname and I did ban him for a month for doing that as I felt it was malicious. Why did I not ban him permanently? Well, that situation wasn't crystal clear for me either, as the person whose name he posted had been demanding that I allow for his real name to be posted some weeks or months earlier when somebody else posted it!!!

    All this is a load of bullshit to me. I have no intention of letting people away with publishing others' real full names etc here when it is a clear case of malice, a case of someone trying to "expose" another to hurt them or damage them, but I am not happy saying I will always ban anyone who does this permanently as I don't want people like bigpaws messing around trying to use this rule to manipulate me into permanently banning anyone he doesn't get on with.

    I am also a bit sick of people being so wreckless with their personal info. I am tired of people telling everyone their real name, address etc, then getting into endless stupid rows with other users and then complaining to me that another user said their name backwards or suchlike. I think people need to start taking a bit of responsibility for their own actions here.

    I am here to help if someone is genuninely being "exposed" or threatened with being "exposed" on this website because somehow another user has found out there details and is no being nasty and trying to hurt them.

    But we are not all school kids here. If you tell everyone all your private info and then go around pissing people off, you are obviously going to have some problems. If you didn't tell everyone all your private info or behave so childish, you would be much less likely to have these problems.

    I often feel like the Garda who is dealing with a chap who goes down to his local town every weekend and calls all the bouncers dickheads until one of them punches him and then comes to me to press assault charges. Of course it is not right that various bouncers punch this lad, but if he would stop acting the bollocks himself, his problems would soon stop. And, as a Garda, I do feel I have better things to do with my time than deal with the plonker at this stage.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    No, because that doesn't actually stretch the page out.

    Why, do you find some escort sigs annoying? We may be able to limit the amount of text etc allowed in sigs... I'll check.

    no so much annoying as a pain in the ass, especially using blackberry to scroll down.

    especially when u have a specific advertising section for this adds


  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Default My 2 cents

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    Yes they will be. I only created this thread here to see what everyone thought of the new rules. Seeing as there has been no major flaws pointed out, they will now be put live later today.

    As you say Pat there have been no major flaws pointed out, other than the fact tht the wrld is full of rules as it is and now it seems you wont be able to fart around her without getting slapped .... with a ban of some sort. I think most who use this site are all big boys n girls and certainly dnt need the "bigbrother" treatment.

    "Nineteen Eighty-Four " is this where it begins.

    Life is about fun... the wrld is a fun place,so lets atleast not wrap the world( of E-I) up in cotton wool.

    kept tht post clean cause wasnt sure if using bad langauge is still alowed?

    Oh! and should I have put my hand up if i wanted to speak!

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildthang View Post
    ...Oh! and should I have put my hand up if i wanted to speak!
    I have no desire to run this place like Nazi Germany, but people have said again and again that I am too lax, so I am trying to go a bit harder, but only on those who come here to cause trouble. If people weren't messing here, I wouldn't need to do this, but people are messing and I think the majority of this community wants me to take a tougher line on those that are messing and in effect ruining this site for many others.

    Oh and yes you can fucking swear, you can curse till the cows come home, because this is an adults only site and an XXX site and so we are not going to ban all foul language here.

    We would however ask that you don't direct your swearing at a particular individual as a form of attack, as that isn't behaviour very conducive to maintaining a happy environment here.

    For example no woman like to be told she is a CUNT by a man, so don't call the ladies CUNTS please. If however you want to say your car was a CUNT to start this morning because of the cold weather we'll let you do that.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    The reason I have phrased it like that is that there have been occassions in the last while where people have broken this rule but I haven't felt they deserve a permanent ban for doing so.

    On the face of it, a permanent ban is the only fitting punishment for any user that posts another user's personal info.

    But - in reality - people have tried to use this rule to get others banned before.

    E.g. Bigpaws decided his first name was XYZ but encouraged people to post XYZ so he could then say "Patricia you must ban so and so now as he has just posted my real name". If I'd have banned everyone who bigpaws wound up enough to say "FU XYZ" or similar, several prominent members of this community would now be gone.

    In that case I decided not to permanently ban the people bigpaws wound up into repeating his apparent first name, as I felt it was bigpaws deliberately causing the shit to try to get people banned and I wasn't playing along with that silly game of his.

    Then bigpaws posted another users first name and surname and I did ban him for a month for doing that as I felt it was malicious. Why did I not ban him permanently? Well, that situation wasn't crystal clear for me either, as the person whose name he posted had been demanding that I allow for his real name to be posted some weeks or months earlier when somebody else posted it!!!

    All this is a load of bullshit to me. I have no intention of letting people away with publishing others' real full names etc here when it is a clear case of malice, a case of someone trying to "expose" another to hurt them or damage them, but I am not happy saying I will always ban anyone who does this permanently as I don't want people like bigpaws messing around trying to use this rule to manipulate me into permanently banning anyone he doesn't get on with.

    I am also a bit sick of people being so wreckless with their personal info. I am tired of people telling everyone their real name, address etc, then getting into endless stupid rows with other users and then complaining to me that another user said their name backwards or suchlike. I think people need to start taking a bit of responsibility for their own actions here.

    I am here to help if someone is genuninely being "exposed" or threatened with being "exposed" on this website because somehow another user has found out there details and is no being nasty and trying to hurt them.

    But we are not all school kids here. If you tell everyone all your private info and then go around pissing people off, you are obviously going to have some problems. If you didn't tell everyone all your private info or behave so childish, you would be much less likely to have these problems.

    I often feel like the Garda who is dealing with a chap who goes down to his local town every weekend and calls all the bouncers dickheads until one of them punches him and then comes to me to press assault charges. Of course it is not right that various bouncers punch this lad, but if he would stop acting the bollocks himself, his problems would soon stop. And, as a Garda, I do feel I have better things to do with my time than deal with the plonker at this stage.

    Thanks for taking the time to type that,

    That’s fair enough Patricia but posting first names alone is no major thing and I agree that all this can be very simply solved by no one giving out any info in the first place but the example you mention was someone who passed per. Info by pm to a third party and that trust was violated and taken advantage of by another.

    Did you not consider that the person who was named demanded that it be put back up in order to double bluff everyone and protect himself? if that is the case then you are letting the aggressor off with a month ban just because the named person took what action they felt nessesary to protect themselves and their family/job once that info was put out in the public domain. That does not seem fair to me

    Whatever about that situation a month is still a pretty weak punishment but I do take on board you’re points and reasons but is it now your policy that from now on permanent bannings are the order of the day when full names or e-mails/numbers are given as its obvious that some Escorts are loose with numbers at any rate and also far to free and easy with this info and possibly forwarding it privately to unsavory and untrusty individuals who may use it to blackmail others.
    This message brought to you by the P.L.O. The poultry Liberation Organization. Motto, We Lay as we Slay

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