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Thread: New Year, New Rules...

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    if however you want to say your car was a CUNT to start this morning because of the cold weather we'll let you do that.
    My hummer starts fooerst time every time but I must admit my little winkie damn near disapeared on me this mooerning as Sarah was to busy moderating to varm me up!!!

    Arnie says,


  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2008


    There should be a clampdown on people hijacking escorts adverts. I've been guilty myself of this. There was one incident I remember a few days ago when some idiot was making light of an escorts advert. She said something like she was wet and waiting. He made some smart ass reply. I suppose these sort of comments could be removed as it's damaging an escorts advert.

    I see that it's been covered already.

    Hijacking Adverts
    It is not acceptable for one escort to hijack another escort’s advert by adding an advert for themselves to the original escort’s advert thread. It is also unacceptable for a client or anybody else to try to interfere with any escort’s advertising on the message boards. If you have had a bad experience with an escort you can leave a review or post about it in the ‘Warnings’ section, but don’t harass the service provider about it via posting on their advert threads.
    Last edited by thehighwayman; 07-01-09 at 17:33.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  3. #43
    Hot Lizzy Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    There should be a clampdown on people hijacking escorts adverts. I've been guilty myself of this. There was one incident I remember a few days ago when some idiot was making light of an escorts advert. She said something like she was wet and waiting. He made some smart ass reply. I suppose these sort of comments could be removed as it's damaging an escorts advert.

    I see that it's been covered already.

    Hijacking Adverts
    It is not acceptable for one escort to hijack another escort’s advert by adding an advert for themselves to the original escort’s advert thread. It is also unacceptable for a client or anybody else to try to interfere with any escort’s advertising on the message boards. If you have had a bad experience with an escort you can leave a review or post about it in the ‘Warnings’ section, but don’t harass the service provider about it via posting on their advert threads.

    Where's your Mrs these days thehighwaywoman cos she is a hoot - how is her nasty rash any better yet - cos that sure caught my attention....... xxx Lizzy

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Haven't seen the Mrs since New Years Eve
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    There should be a clampdown on people hijacking escorts adverts. I've been guilty myself of this. There was one incident I remember a few days ago when some idiot was making light of an escorts advert. She said something like she was wet and waiting. He made some smart ass reply. I suppose these sort of comments could be removed as it's damaging an escorts advert.

    I see that it's been covered already.

    Hijacking Adverts
    It is not acceptable for one escort to hijack another escort’s advert by adding an advert for themselves to the original escort’s advert thread. It is also unacceptable for a client or anybody else to try to interfere with any escort’s advertising on the message boards. If you have had a bad experience with an escort you can leave a review or post about it in the ‘Warnings’ section, but don’t harass the service provider about it via posting on their advert threads.
    So does this mean having abit of a laugh with people shud be banned i didnt write anything offensive so what buisness of yours is it you feel free to write whatever smart arse comments you want whenever you want so so will i

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default too many rules mean they can't be enforced

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    I have no desire to run this place like Nazi Germany, but people have said again and again that I am too lax, so I am trying to go a bit harder, but only on those who come here to cause trouble. If people weren't messing here, I wouldn't need to do this, but people are messing and I think the majority of this community wants me to take a tougher line on those that are messing and in effect ruining this site for many others.

    Oh and yes you can fucking swear, you can curse till the cows come home, because this is an adults only site and an XXX site and so we are not going to ban all foul language here.

    We would however ask that you don't direct your swearing at a particular individual as a form of attack, as that isn't behaviour very conducive to maintaining a happy environment here.

    For example no woman like to be told she is a CUNT by a man, so don't call the ladies CUNTS please. If however you want to say your car was a CUNT to start this morning because of the cold weather we'll let you do that.
    Hi Pat,

    Your new rules seem to be comprehensive - but in this thread alone you have said you will look into a few extensions of them.
    I think you'll find the more rules you make, the more tied up your staff will be enforcing them - and the more rules that will be broken as they can't possibly all be watched.

    I also think some of them are superfluous.

    I mean lets call a spade a spade here - this is a site fundamentally for horny males to meet willing women - considering that - is it really necessary to impose any kind of rules regarding use of language?

    bad language in particular?

    personally, i would only refer to a woman as a cunt when she has truly proved herself to be that.

    but if you are to punish people for 'bad' language then i think the misuse of words and people using words incorrectly as they do not understand their meaning a far more serious crime - and more worthy of punishment.

    i also think - as you know - that this site ie being allowed to be hijacked by one particular person - by you.
    I think that there should be a rule that if you receive x number of complaints from different users in a single month that that person is banned for a month.
    and again the following month if you receive complaints again.

    finally, i am willing to put money on the fact that within 60 days of these rules being introduced that i will highlight to you an issue of racism / verbal abuse / thread hijacking by this same member and you will not take action.

    finally, i really do not understand why, if an escort posts an ad in a thread, that that is not open to being posted on?
    i mean, each escort has a profile page up.
    the only reason they post an ad in a thread is to highlight where they are, promote offers or basically create a thread to present themselves as ultra horny in the hope of gaining punters - on a couple of occasions Brenda has put up posts - not just to me - warning people off her thread!!
    yet if a member posts something positive or gives an indication they would like to meet her as a result of whatever suggestive text she has put in her post, she is more than happy for that to be there and to engage the member...

    I smell two rules and alot of suiting oneself!

    i'm only a member since june 08 - though i used to read threads regularly for a while before that - and i remember when this place was fun!

    does anyone else?

    the current bad vibes have arrived along with one specific member - and that member, i hasten to add, is the only person i have a problem with on the entire site.

    based on your new rules i reckon this person has broken almost every one of them - and certainly more than anyone else - yet you choose to allow them full access and to drag the site down!


  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Can someone please tell me how I can do something right?

    No matter what I do, people are not happy. I get given out to for not publishing a new more expansive set of rules, so I do this, then I get given out to for doing so. People want Liz banned, then whenever I ban her I get endless complaints that she shouldn't have been banned. And so on and on and on... No matter what I do, nothing I do ever goes down without a truck load of complaints

    Thank you for your feedback. I will be back to respond to your constructive criticisms when I've finished flushing my head down the toilet 1000 times

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Please?????

    As a form of rehabilitation from my rule breaking tendancees can we have a 24 hour period wer there are no rules whatsoever??????? Then everyone can get it out of their system kinda like that one last bender before rehab???

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Sorry, can't talk right now. My head is stuck in the loo.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Lov it

    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy 69 View Post
    As a form of rehabilitation from my rule breaking tendancees can we have a 24 hour period wer there are no rules whatsoever??????? Then everyone can get it out of their system kinda like that one last bender before rehab???

    I 2nd this idea........... lets have one day a week where there are no rules so bd can be himself and go nuts......... fuk it !I am sure you would al like one day where u can all just let it go, get it off your chest and say it how it is. This idea is so good I will try to get the world leaders to agree.........imagine thec arnage !!

    Long live the revolution

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