Quote Originally Posted by The Equalizer View Post
Because Ruhama/TORL spend more time on this website than the average client does.

If they come across any means which clients have by which to avoid detection/prosecution under Swedish-style Legislation, they will use this information to strengthen any Legislation which is being considered.
This is almost certainly the case and yet their proposal to the insane JOC committee on prostitution law reform was taken as their recommendations almost to the word and it included the insane beyond comprehension recommendation (which was accepted) that anybody, be it punter, sex worker looking for health advice/dangerous punter warnings or curious teenage child downloading an escort related site e.g. EI, to be the legal equivalent of a child molester downloading scenes of children being raped and abused!
As was pointed out at the time along with the sheer complete insanity of it, so insane it hasn't even been accepted by Fitsie, yet, the day that was put forward by the insane relevant JOC, was the best day child molesters/child rapists have had in a long time, imagine normalizing that scum of the earth to consenting adults such as us!