Sorry for confusion.
I wanted to say only abbout JBN...........

I believe JBN is guy i read about while ago,when they booked an escort,and when he arrived,escort seen from window there were 2 people in a car,and she seen there was a blonde woman sitting in a passanger seat. It was mentioned woman came out from car if i remember righ,and then they weather were looking at escorts widow and laughed her off,or in person,i m not sure.

It s just too much of coincidence.

My own point of wiewis that there is too much of coincidence between JBN being in Ennis are,the guy with black jeep and a girl was in Ennis and Limerick area.

JBN and othe guy both have blonde woman

JBN and other guy both drive black jeep

They both dont want escorts in their area.

Oh,and blonde was mentioned to have blonde hair.

All i am saying is that i believe that there exist JBN who wrote bad review for Roxy,as she did not do what she was told,basically because she did not let him make money outta her,and taking some business off him,and i believe JBN with black Jeep and blonde woman that locate in same area and match what was said about the other guy that was described in same manner.

Also,i knew storry about the other guy for looooong soon i red about JBN guy,all match with the other asshole..........

I am not aying nothing about that Cash John guy,but i reallly believe the storry about JBN,as all match