Brenda, I must concur with Big Daddy, you're not doing yourself any favours here.I like your photos, and initially liked your approach, but for a long time now I've dismissed any notion of ever seeing you.

I think most punters are like me in that I'm first attracted to an escort, then I check her services, then I read her reviews. If I think she's a girl I would want to meet in a pub, or restaurant, then the phone call is made. I don't want to meet someone who's agressive, smart-assed or foul mouthed. I can get that at home for free!

Take it easy. You're a beautiful woman, and I'm certain you know your stuff, but you really react too strongly and too quickly to the guys on here, who are only trying to get you going most of the time.

You'll probably react agressively to my comments, but whether you do, or not, I won't be adding to this post. I'm just giving you a little advice, with the best of intentions, and hope you'll take notice before you do yourself irrepairable damage, and I'm sure some people are hopping you do.

Best wishes and Happy New Year.