i won't be one of your visitors in the new year anyway dolly!!!

you see maybe i'm another year older or maybe i'm old fashioned or maybe i'm just not into women trying to be like young teenage girls!!!!!

you can spout on about how hygienic it is, etc etc blah blah blah, but at the end of the day, the only reason women do this to themselves is because they're either fooled into believing this IS what men want or they really want to feel like they're young again (prepubesant) - and if thats the case you might as well get your hyman stitched up!!!

i seen a programme on bbc about this subject and they spoke to a range of different people from women of all ages, to psychologists, to "fashion experts" and to beauticians who actually do the job!!

the general consensus was that there was no reason for women to do this other than from the so called "fashion experts" who say its "absolutely disgusting" for women to have hair other than on their head!!

but the real "disgusting" thing was to see a mother bring her 16 year old daughter to a beautician to have her "waxed" - the daughter wanted it because ALL her friends laughed at her (presumably in the showers at school) - why? because of the "fashion experts" in all the teenage magazines say its "disgusting"!!

i watched another programme on c4 called "how to look good naked" where a GAY man (fashion expert) tells ALL the women to get rid of "their bush" as he calls it!!!

so if i'm really getting this right - a gay man (who has no sexual interest in women!!) is telling women how to look good for themselves and presumably for the opposite sex, ie - MEN - if thats not a FUCKED up situation, i don't know what is!!!!!

give me a woman who's au natural anytime!!!