Quote Originally Posted by CooleRuss View Post
no... its just that im particularly new in Ireland. And it seems at least as far as i see.. Theres some kind of war or something going on.. So im interested , whats the real situation. I see theres lot of bullshit on forums? Why cant i ask something serious? That really may assist me? As i know number of girls where attacked,and robbed... And i would like to get more info.. Is it really so dangerous to work in Ireland?

its all just for my self. As a new guy in Ireland i want to get little extra info. if you dont wish to answer that's good... but if you do. at least pm me. if you ever been attacked or harassed,extorted or something like that...
You are way too nosey! Escorts are human beings. If a woman gets attacked that's a very personal thing. Sometimes escorts will talk about things like this on here, but only when they want to and because they want to - not because some guy is curious!