The Minister for The Interior, Blueshirt, Frances Fitzgerald, is determined to have the madness before the Dail this term, which is likely to end mid July! As far as I know, there's something in the heads of the bill that it will not be enforceable until 3 months after being signed into law by Mickey in the park! I am open to challenge on that! The Minister will be prevailed upon to criminalize punters acting in private asap, as it will be claimed we will be having sex tourists from the North coming south, as punters are officially criminalized from June 1, up there!
I suspect The Fake Labour Party in the UK on getting into power with the assistance of SNP collaborators will try to push it across The UK by the end of their next parliament, unless it is a short one! And this is even though no party has it in its election manifesto! And BTW, the Irish Labour fux were the first political loons to start the insanity rolling here, so please remember that if you are the last person left thinking about voting for them!
BTW as has been mentioned there is a case going forward taken by Irish sex worker, Laura Lee, who posts on this site, howev er, this will not stop the current madness being rammed through! And when she wins in Europe, which she will, if you have been convicted under it, your conviction could possibly still remain! In the UK, homosexual acts between consenting adults have been decriminalised since 1967. quite correctly so, yet only 1 person convicted under the previous laws has ever been pardoned, Alan Turing, who as Churchill said did more to end WW2 than any other single person and literally saved millions of lives by breaking the Enigma code! And he was only pardoned a few years ago and posthumously after taking his own life some years after the conviction having been savagely forced to take hormone treatment by the authorities!
Mind you, the only way to get convictions apart from kicking doors down, under this madness, will be to force clients to accept fines or cautions on coming out of escorts' apartments by threatening to call out to their families or places of work or court threats with associated publicity!
Oh and BTW Mickey up in the park will not save punters, he will sign it, even though, he knows it's insane, he would rationalize that by not signing it and having it referred to the Supreme Court, it could never be challenged, except in Europe again!
Policing private morality is really murky stuff, lowest of the low sort of thing!