Quote Originally Posted by CurvaceousKate View Post
Seems the generally attitude is that women don't need or want sex as much as men, but... for every man getting sex, there is usually a woman having sex with them (unless they're into guys that is).

So... why is it that men see Escorts and the majority of women don't?

I think it's about boxes that need ticking.

A guy needs to tick box A and box B to get to = Sex

Where as a lady needs to tick box A, B, C & D to get to = Sex.

It doesn't mean the urge or the desire is not there, but as women are generally governed by their emotions and men are more linear and logical thinking they have a more direct route to their desire. Whereas us ladies are still going round in circles getting what we need emotionally before we can get there.

Of course there are always exceptions to the rule on both sides.

That's my theory... what's yours and why?
Using linear and logical thinking

I agree