I have never understood why anyone would write a nasty review or come to that lie about seeing someone that they never visited.

Those men that think its a real wag to do so think again, this is someone's livelihood not a game or a rehearsal for you to get your rocks off to write a review its a Ladies livelihood. Didn't your Mother or Father ever tell you "If you don't have anything nice to say then DON'T say anything at all."

I have only had one bad review and the guy concerned wrote it on a world wide site called Punterlink - I have to say that nearly every word he wrote was true barring a few comments but i was allowed my right of reply and it was taken off as the guy had done this to a few girls - where i wonder do men get the time or have the inclination to bother to 'slag someone off?'

I do realise that some think it is useful for others to see that the Lady/Ladies concerned did not live up to their expectations, - on behalf or myself and all and any other that did not i would say sorry you did not have a good time - ever thought that we didn't either and we do not write reviews about you......would be fabulous if we were able to don't you agree ladies.

Hope all have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2009 - well two out of three aint bad. As the song goes.