Quote Originally Posted by annasavicha View Post
But......but.....he asked to put some 'bag in it...'......

I did not spoke to Biggerpaws,i been away,but we have arranged a date,so that s when i m getting my present off him with delay and his body like always.......

I would of been happy even without a present,but he insisted,so....

Ahhhhhhhh thats sweet of him, i wonder what he has for you - maybe something nice and bubbly - possibly pink - i so love pink champers - all my clients were offered and accepted my champagne.........

I got some lovely pressies from the guy that came to see me in Cork - lots of booze, some lingerie and some nice holdups and one man has promised that he will get me the wurlitzer juke box that i want - he lives in Galway though - going to go there for a week in Feb. some time........he has lots of friends that he wants to introduce me to.......

You take care and Dublin is swamped why dont you go somewhere else now.

Ciao sweety - Happy New Year and keep away from that Nick - he is nothing but bad to the bone.

Big kisses to you and your family...... xxxxxxx Lizzy

P.S. The Carmen and Malena girls think that i dont exist, funny that cos most on here think that they have a pimp.......and he does all their advertising for them.......i wonder how funny they think that is - not nice girls so it turns out at all....

Big Kisses and keep away from Nick I knew he would crush you eventually.....xxxxxx