Quote Originally Posted by redone7010 View Post
Unde the new law the charges will come under the purchase of sexual services and as such only the purchaser will be charged, so there will be no onus on the escort to give evidence as she will have no charges against her. I doubt if any escort is going to turn up on her own volition to give evidence in that scenario.
As to the courts deciding who is guilty, if it comes down to a garda`s word against your`s in a prosecution taken by the state, do you really in all respect believe that the court will except your word over a garda`s?

It will not be a crime to visit a masseuse. the crime is paying for sex. apprehending me leaving a masseuse's apartment will not get the police anywhere. The police cannot give evidence against me because they were not privy to any crime taking place. It is nonsense to say that anyone would be convicted by a court on the basis of a policeman saying that he suspected that I had paid for sex. If I say that all I paid for was a massage and that was all I received, that is the end of the story unless the police can produce real evidence to the contrary.

As I have said before it will be easy enough for the police to catch a few plonkers who will ring up a fake advert number and ask if the girl will do anal for €50 whence they will be directed to an address which turns out to be the local nick where they will be collared along with the phone that made the call.

I suspect that the new law will certainly wipe out streetwalking. It will be very easy for the police to catch punters that way.