I'm not the tallest myself. I'm only about 5'7 or 5'8 without shoes. When I was quite young I envied others who were taller, but you soon grow out of that, or at least I did. My motto - You've only one body, you can like it or lump it and I chose to like it, particularly with all my work to make it look better in the gym.

With regards to women, I once had a Brazilian girlfriend once who like that, was slightly taller than me without heels. When she wore heels I was looking up at her. It never really bothered me much, I found it more amusing than anything else, but I will admit I like women who are smaller - I like to be able to man-handle them, but in a very gentle and kind sort of way I must add.

But having said that, there's till this fantasy in the back of my mind about being aggressively seduced by a taller woman.