I have no time for aggressive cyclists or eejits on bikes, however mounting the path in some of our medieval cities and towns, which were never meant for cars in the first place is a necessity on occasion! My points on this are 1 It will lead to more cyclists getting severely injured and killed (as will the insane Swedish model!) 2 There is nothing to indicate that it will become anything more than a new revenue raising measure from easy fines (ala The Swedish model) imposed on vulnerable people, there is no ring fencing of fines to promote safer cycling and no policy of building the only safe type of cycle path i.e. off the road ones. i.e. on a portion of a footpath £ It's part of a disgusting pattern along with the other measures outlined! 4. Look at the gung ho suppprters of it - Blueshirts and Fake Socialists and of course Finian McGrath, Ballinasloe's finest who also gave frothing @ the mouth support to the recommendations of the anti sex worker committee of which he was a prominent member and included such beauts as trying to criminalize anybody who downloads an escort related site e.g. EI at the level of a child rapist downloading images of children being raped and abused!
Re the minimum pricing of alcohol, nobody really wins under this one at all, OK low income alcos will be able to buy less, but their families will suffer as buying the devil's buttermilk will always be more important to them than behaving like a normal human being and don't forget our minimum price for a can will be it's estimated @ €2.75 as opposed to Scotland's €1.66 (and with a declining € the Scottish price gets even cheaper in relative terms), it is also proposed for Nordieland, but, it won't be at those insane price levels either!
Mind you. I suppose, publicans, who are a very powerful lobby group and make a fortune from people with drink problems will be winners! Indeed weren't they to the forefront in having our insane off licence closing hours of 10 PM brought about!