Quote Originally Posted by The Libertarian View Post
3 The new cycling laws, from which our beloved minister for transport has said children will not be exempt! I agree that cyclists breaking red lights, cycling wrecklessly and not being visible should be spanked! However with the lack of off the road cycle paths as a lesser of 2 evils, a cyclist may have to ride on a path occasionally! Also there is no word on developing more and safer cycle paths and ring fencing these fines for cyclist safety measures! All there is happens to be a promise for even more repressive anti cyclist legislation on the cards! Essentially it seems to be about raising taxes on cyclists' backs!
Sorry! Cyclists NEVER have to cycle on a foot path!

I once got knocked down as I alighted from a bus by a cyclist who was riding on a foot path! I had to be carted off to hospital in an ambulance! My MacBook Pro got smashed, My jacket and jeans were only fit for the bin and I lost two weeks work - not good when one is self employed!

I am a cyclist myself and I have never had to cycle on a foot path!