Quote Originally Posted by Clyde View Post
Reciently a good friend of mine split from his girlfriend they have kids, she ignored the kids for the first two months, moved in with new boyfriend ( a waister adict ) she also has a dependency. It's in her boyfriend's face he's gutted and over reacted threatend the new Bf. This didn't go down well but I understand the reaction.

Now yesterday myself and a few mates went out for Sunday lunch her father cane in said hello to all of us but blanked him compleatly to make him feel low.

This didn't go well in my books, I feel we should never do this as MEN we should talk no matter what goes on. I said this to the father as an opinion he agrred now they are talking.

My point being us as men should be able to talk freely and not do the cowardly silence, you can talk or scrap it out but ffs be a man.

walked out on him and he threatens her new partner?