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Thread: Euro Vs Sterling

  1. #1

    Default Euro Vs Sterling

    As much as I notice, some of the escorts are indeed reducing their prices...most regulars aren't.

    At the moment, there is an advertising touring escort charging €200 for 30 mins here, and charging £140 for 30 mins in UK.

    As of today, £140 = €149.38.

    Why is someone charging €50 less in the UK?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default That debate already done and dusted!

    As is their right,the escorts charge what they want and what the market will support - that is their right and its up to us punters to pay what we can afford -also, to be fair,the cost of apartment/hotel rentals here in ireland compares unfavourably with the uk (outside of london).Anyway, I'd rather face slightly higher prices to attract a wider variety of quality escort rather than a cheap but extremely limited menu of gals.

  3. #3

    Default 100€

    Personally i wont pay more than 100€ now. There are plenty of good escorts visiting Galway now at that price. Why pay more? We all know the good escorts who charge €100 for half hour and provide a good service.,
    Why pay more?
    Do some research and avoid the overchargers.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by milkman View Post
    As is their right,the escorts charge what they want and what the market will support - that is their right and its up to us punters to pay what we can afford -also, to be fair,the cost of apartment/hotel rentals here in ireland compares unfavourably with the uk (outside of london).Anyway, I'd rather face slightly higher prices to attract a wider variety of quality escort rather than a cheap but extremely limited menu of gals.

    Yet they'll accept sterling if we go to them here...

    explain that one

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Blog Entries

    Default compromise

    Quote Originally Posted by milkman View Post
    As is their right,the escorts charge what they want and what the market will support - that is their right and its up to us punters to pay what we can afford -also, to be fair,the cost of apartment/hotel rentals here in ireland compares unfavourably with the uk (outside of london).Anyway, I'd rather face slightly higher prices to attract a wider variety of quality escort rather than a cheap but extremely limited menu of gals.
    Well i think a fair compromise would be to pay the lady in actual sterling
    and not the value in euros then at least u have gone to the trouble of getting it and
    also are absorbing the exchange costs but clear this with the lady before u get
    there not just hand her the sterling

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Law of Supply and Demand

    Everybody on this thread is making valid points.

    Skreech is correct in stating that Escorts who operate both in the UK and ROI charge a higher rate in the ROI when you convert from one currency into another. But then, so do most of the major retail chains, newspapers and magazine publishers etc. It's basically a question of what rate will the market accept and how many clients/how much money will a given escort be happy to make. Some ladies want a small number of high roller clients and set their rates accordingly, others want large numbers and charge lower rates.

    Milkman is also correct, that in general overheads or operating costs for escorts are higher in ROI than in the UK, so that a higher rate is required to allow them to have the same profit margin here. However, some of these costs are reducing. Given the increasing number of apartments that will be vacant due to emigration, rents should reduce. Hotel pricing is more competitive. Airlines are having to compete more and with the reduction in fuel prices, the fuel surcharges should be coming off ticket prices. Given the scale of the recession (only now becoming apparent) the prices of many items are going to be coming down.

    Milkman is worried that we are heading towards a race to the bottom with top level escorts heading for greener pastures and the not so good remaining here. I dont agree totally with this. Yes, some of the best escorts may leave rather than lower their prices if they cant get sufficient clients here at a price acceptable to them or they can make more money elsewhere. But that's a big if. Where are they hoping to make more money?.......this thing is global after all, and even in a recession, the high end of the market may be more secure from the recession than other parts of the market. There will always be men who can afford and are willing to part with 250, 300, 400 or even more for an hour's pleasure if they perceive that they are getting something more exclusive than your average Tom, Dick or Harry can afford to enjoy.

    However, not every escort in Ireland can make a good living servicing the needs of the extremely well heeled. The level of competition in the rest of the market seems to be getting very intense now. The effects of the recession such as increased unemployment, falling incomes, emigration and an increasingly pessimistic outlook mean that less money is available for punting and people are more careful about how much they spend and what they spend it on. I predicted back in May that rates would come down and got attacked for suggesting that escorts should reduce their rates. I was'nt doing anything of the sort, I was simply making an educated prediction of what was likely to happen based on the direction I saw the economy taking. Every escort has a right to charge whatever he/she likes, but given a fall in aggregate income and no reduction on the supply side, rates in general could only go one way.

    With all other things being equal (et ceteris paribus), a sizeable drop in the number of escorts (supply) would be required to stop prices from reducing or balance supply with demand. The assumption should however not be made, that falling rates will automatically reduce the number of escorts. An as example, UK and European based escorts would in all likelihood continue to tour here, if they could continue to make more money here than in other countries. And from anecdotal evidence, rates here would still seem to be far better than in a lot of other places.

    I have noticed that some escorts are now charging 80 to 100 Euro for the half hour and 200 for the hour, and that the numbers of those reducing their rates is increasing. When I made my initial economic assessment of this business, I envisaged rates reaching the 75-80/150 level for the basic service....and I see no reason to change that opinion. Even some of the most popular escorts here have started to reduce rates or offer what were previously extras as standard.

    Finally, it does not necessarily follow that reducing rates will result in a reduction in the level of service or the quality of the escorts in general. This recession has, for the first time since I began punting, introduced a real element of competition into the marketplace, and unfortunately for the escorts, unlike the public servants in their ivory towers, they have to live in the real world and adjust to market conditions.

    P.S. To those who like to base their arguements on financial/cost accounting principles, I would recommend Economics Made Simple.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Well said Carlos, I thought you were Quarterpoundher there for a second
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Well said Carlos, I thought you were Quarterpoundher there for a second
    I'll take that as a compliment highwayman.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Default Gol-damit , carlos......

    you use your tongue prettier than a 20-dollar whore .

    Damn logical analysis and hope it'll prove accurate - must try that sterling payment query with the gals in the future ......

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