Quote Originally Posted by funlover12 View Post

naw I was being serious though, you can tell a bit if someone scores well on vocabulary online ( but scoring high on one section probably wont get you a score of over average) but not much else, unless youve done one you wouldnt have a clue what it was, its about recognising patterns in stuff mathematically, twisting stuff in space in your mind, vocabulary and another section or two I cant remember. to get high scores you need to score constiently well on all sections.

In other words its about testing different intelligence sub types. the other big ones are physical intelligence and emotional intelligence
That's what I liked about them, as some areas are more of a challenge than others. Some areas of my brain got damaged more than others when I was ill, so I would get confidence from the areas I was good at and exercise and practice with the areas that I now had difficulty with. Weirdly I can't make links with conundrums any more and I'm dreadful at recognising what abbreviations stand for, so I'm doomed with text talk. In that regard recognising patterns is one area that I found useful.

I'm very emotionally intelligent. Everything makes me cry even when I'm happy