Amid all this doom and gloom, with less money being spent and jobs being lost, a lot of people are going to have a lot more time on their hands and less money to spend during their free time.

So basically, I am looking for members to come up with ideas for free time activities that dont involve having to fork out 250 Euro for an hours enjoyment. And before some wag suggests it, no I'm not talking about the five fingered shuffle here.

An example. Although membership of a golf club can be quite expensive, an alternative would be to join a golfing society. Even though I know very little about golf, a friend explained to me how societies differ from a club. I did try it out.......well I tried out a driving range....but I think I must have been doing everything wrong.......grip, stance, swinging short and not following through.

So suggestions please for price busting recession activities that will takes the minds, of those members who can no longer afford to punt, off sex.

Anybody for an E-I Golf Society?