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Thread: Grow some BALLS people!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    I agree with a lot of what you say Roryman. This is an adult site and that is maybe one reason why people might expect adults to behave adultly about adult material. The site was running the risk of decending into a schoolyard brawl scenario with bullying, name-calling, rival gangs and a lot of verbal shape throwing ( and that's a polite way of putting it). A lot of the stuff when getting very ott and nasty with supposedly personal information being used against people. We constantly hear plenty in the warning section about the level of threats, intimidation and actual violence against escorts out there, without this website being hijacked for the purposes of cyber intimidation.

    Anyway enough of the serious material. I took your advice Roryman and grew myself a pair. Jesus girls, but you have no idea of the weight of the darned things.........I'm going to have to get a loan of some ballboys/girls from Wimbleton to carry them around for me.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default High...

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    Thats a good point QPH and well made. I didnt say he was right to say it, I just said why he did, in the same way you have tried to explain about Dolly.

    You cant be sure that what he told you as his "real" reason is true either? I have had at least one other real person substaniate his given reason, but i dont want to get into that.

    When I say real and not real, I mean of course that its silly to get upset about cyber insults and the like.
    Your point about affecting business is true also and that is why (like you) I stick up for those i feel are wronged, especially those that I have personally met.
    I do think its a shame when an escorts paid for advert is hijacked with all sorts of rubbish.
    The advert section should be locked down in my opinion so only E-1 can change it, if they receive a compliant etc.
    I myself never even had my pulse raised by anything here Rory (except Malena and Carmen ) but you put your finger on why he should never be believed on anything if he says two different things to the one person as he did to me. I am not basing this on one thing. I have be told directly from several what he did to them and it is the very same as what he told me why he did what he did so if it walks, talks and looks like a duck then it probably is a duck. I don’t see any great clammer of protest from the Escorts to defend him do you? That is because most know what he does behind the scenes, one account to me was particularly nasty.

    Now you say he talks plain? I would very much have liked him to do that on open forum and face me if he was so minded but he instead opted to use every dirty trick in the book. Look at the difference in your response to me, you are debating something in an open and civil manner and it is a breath of fresh air I have to say and not descending into the gutter. I have no probs with a few f’s and blinds or strong opinions. I welcome good hard but fair discourse but we should all just leave family out of it is all. It really is not much to expect.

    I am only responding to you on this Rory I will not be commenting any further on him.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ber View Post
    A person becomes an escort expert here when they reach a thousand posts
    it has nothing to do with content just sheer volume
    Jesus Ber I never knew that. That means I only have another 200 to go and I of all people will be an Escort expert an I never even darkened one door.

    I’ll up the wordage between now and the new year so brace yourselves its gonna get very long very fast (I always say that as I am a gentleman )

    What happens when you hit 2000 ? they give you the freedom of the city or something ?

  4. #14
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    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    What happens when you hit 2000 ? they give you the freedom of the city or something ?
    You'll have to ask Westie that one. I was with him (in cyberspace) when he celibrated his 2500th post.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default New balls please!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    I agree with a lot of what you say Roryman. This is an adult site and that is maybe one reason why people might expect adults to behave adultly about adult material. The site was running the risk of decending into a schoolyard brawl scenario with bullying, name-calling, rival gangs and a lot of verbal shape throwing ( and that's a polite way of putting it). A lot of the stuff when getting very ott and nasty with supposedly personal information being used against people. We constantly hear plenty in the warning section about the level of threats, intimidation and actual violence against escorts out there, without this website being hijacked for the purposes of cyber intimidation.

    Anyway enough of the serious material. I took your advice Roryman and grew myself a pair. Jesus girls, but you have no idea of the weight of the darned things.........I'm going to have to get a loan of some ballboys/girls from Wimbleton to carry them around for me.
    Carlos….A rock of sense as always and humor from the top drawer. I'd say your pair are bigger then Martina Navratilova’s only half as hairy but twice as juicy.

    In a world gone mad we have you to turn to…


    I’ll see you on center court…

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I agree with alot of what you say Rory. Alot of people take things too serious on this site. But when someones reputation is dragged through the mud. They have to defend themselves. Like in the Naomi situation. Bigpaws started all that because she made fun of him. He wouldn't back down and told all sorts of things about her just to win an arguement. The way Patricia has done things recentely I'm glad this sort of thing won't be allowed to happen again. I'm all for discussions on any matter. But everyones entitled to their say and not to be bullied the way Bigpaws did to people. He would never back down. Didn't want to be seen to back down at any cost. Thankfully most people aren't like that. Everyones got different opinions about things and we will all never agree on everything. Whether we agree or not with someone we should respect their opinion and let them have their say.

    Epsilon, Liz and co. I think all that is harmless. They remind me of brothers and sisters who argue all the time. Saying they hate each other and throwing tantrums. But deep down they like each other
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  7. #17
    Hot Lizzy Guest

    Thumbs down How Deep Down Would That Be....?????

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    I agree with alot of what you say Rory. Alot of people take things too serious on this site. But when someones reputation is dragged through the mud. They have to defend themselves. Like in the Naomi situation. Bigpaws started all that because she made fun of him. He wouldn't back down and told all sorts of things about her just to win an arguement. The way Patricia has done things recentely I'm glad this sort of thing won't be allowed to happen again. I'm all for discussions on any matter. But everyones entitled to their say and not to be bullied the way Bigpaws did to people. He would never back down. Didn't want to be seen to back down at any cost. Thankfully most people aren't like that. Everyones got different opinions about things and we will all never agree on everything. Whether we agree or not with someone we should respect their opinion and let them have their say.

    Epsilon, Liz and co. I think all that is harmless. They remind me of brothers and sisters who argue all the time. Saying they hate each other and throwing tantrums. But deep down they like each other
    I don't argue, I know that I'm each other.........are you out of your tiny mind - I don't even talk to my brother. Although I do like you xxx

  8. #18

    Thumbs up Rory

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    FFS - what is the matter with you all?
    I have never read such whining, wimpy nonsense.
    I have to keep checking that I am on ADULT forum, and not St Trinnys School of Manners!

    Grow some balls people and stop behaving like over sensitive hormonal women

    I think there is room for everyone on this site, Paws, Liz - everyone.

    Moaning about First names, he said - she said, having maggot under your name, FFS, what is the matter with you all? This is NOT real - NOT your REAL friends. People dont REALLY know you, so why should you care?

    QPH - I'm afraid you are the biggest girl of all - you want an apology? FFS - this isnt Friends (TM) where everyone group hugs and breaks down crying because of their feelings! Bigpaws has what he feels to be a valid issue with Naomi (Which is shared by others) and he felt it necessary to warn people who actually do go out there and "punt"
    Which, if you did punt, you would want to know!
    You are no saint QPH and you are certainly not more stable than the rest of us, re Dolly etc and now you are frantically trying to establish yourself as "normal"

    Epsilon (And the other Lizzy Haters)- You are travelling down the same bad road I did, so cop on to yourself quickly and stop attacking Liz at every opportunity. It will NOT make you happy, even if think you are justified. People will start viewing you as negative and miserable, and I sure thats not really you. Liz is quite capable of hanging herself, she doesnt need a hand from you.
    And if you leave her alone - she will leave you alone - she is only protecting herself, and really, she is harmless.

    Bigpaws - Yes he can be a bully (on here), but you all LET him be. QPH, LIZ and others, I told you not to over react to him, and that the more you bite back, the worse he gets, but you didnt listen. Yes, he has annoyed me at times, but then I cop onto myself
    If you take him the right way - with a large pinch of salt, then he can be a laugh.
    And he has contributed, he does look out for his fellow punter. He is just straight talking, doesnt take any shit and sticks to what he believes in. E-1 would be poorer without him, but he is too strong willed not to return, and I hope he does.

    Right, thats sorted you all out I hope, now stop being so bloody touchy people, go out and get laid and have some bloody FUN cos life is too short to be Victor Meldrews, cry babies etc
    I haven't always agreed with Rory and he hasn't always agreed with me but neither of us have made any secret of this yet we never got "rough" with eachother on here as we treated eachother with respect .................. ie, I treat people they way they treat me, that's always been my policy and it won't change for anybody or for any reason.

    Regarding this thread I obviously agree with Rory ................. but then I would wouldn't I!!!


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