Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
Sorry lads, but will you please stop telling people your real name!!!

The number of complaints I am getting these days about real names possibly having been posted is ridiculous.

I don't mean to criticise anyone in particular.

But every morning the last few weeks I seem to have a least 3 separate name posting complaints in my inbox.

You guys probably don't even notice because it is all "X posted my name backwards", "Y wrote a poem that contains my first name", "I'm arguing with Z and now he keeps talking about a celebrity with the same first name as me to try to expose my name".

Seriously lads, I am getting pissed off, I have better things to do with my life than waste hours every day searching through threads for anagrams of people's first names etc.

And it is also quite obvious to me that, in 99% of cases, the people whose names are being posted are winding up the name posters.

Really I've had it with this bullshit.

Why do you guys tell all your enemies your real names? If you just kept your mouth shut and used an alias as you should this would never be a problem for anyone.

And don't play the victim to me when you spend all day winding people up then they come back with an anagram of your first name.

Pat x

P.S. This is not directed at QPH at all. I realise there was an incident yesterday where his name was posted numerous times along with horrible nasty stuff. These incidents will always be taken seriously. What I am losing patience with is people winding others up and then complaining their names are posted in some way, when really it is just a silly argument between two people and if you don't want your first name posted on this site in any way what you need to do is stop telling people your real first name and then spending your days winding people up. Thank you.
ppl by their very nature get friendly and some by their very nature fall out too.What is needed is a system in place where someones ip is banned.An ip not a usename.A perminant ip ban is whats needed.

While i understand what your saying and it should work in theory ,it wont.Its like asking ppl to stop driving to stop road deaths.

Prevent obesity,dont eat,