Quote Originally Posted by Kendra View Post
Your delusional. Sex work is WORK! If I want orgasms then I will go out and find a guy in my private life.

I don't go to work to have orgasms, I go to work to give my clients orgasms.

Your clearly one of the bitter ones who thinks escorts aren't doing a job and do this for fun and fun only.

I wouldn't choose to lie to everyone I love and care about every day, the danger of bringing shame on my family, living a double life, having no love life and not even dating for 3 years all for the sake of "fun" and I certainly wouldn't put myself in dangerous situations with complete strangers every day. If all I wanted was sex then I would just be a wee slut who has loads of one nite stands.

I do this because it's my job, it's good money that is funding my future.

Is that a little clearer for you or do you still not get it?
kendra but you're always complaining and moaning, if I visited you, remind me to take ear plugs with me will you