And to top it all he doesn’t seem to be a very loyal ejit even as it seems to be the same fella doing this to all of you. Ye’ll have to give em back the ring’s I’d say. I know I know, you’re gutted but its time to face facts. There’s no future in a non monogamous stalker type arrangement. You’ll be home at night wondering what other woman he’s working his charms on.

Tell him he either picks one to display his limp wares to or takes up something more productive like playing hopscotch in a minefield or something. Not making light of it Ladies I read this thread shaking my head at what passes for a hobby for some idiots.

Sorry to hear of your troubles and to p**rick I’d say this, there is a special offer on marbles in Smyths toys this week, push the boat out and buy a few as you’ve deffo lost yours.