Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
Imo de stigmatizing the desire and offering supportive social services and ongoing supportive counseling might go a long

way in preventing abuse. De stigmatizing should not mean indiscriminate 'acceptance' of this deviant desire , imo it is not

'right' to have such desire , but alienating the non-offenders and making criminals of them even without them having

committed a crime imo is counterproductive for society at large in the long run.

Even if just one pedophile could be prevented from abusing in the first place , it might mean one victim for sure , but might

mean dozens of victims that did not become victims , all down to preventative social services. I think an attempti at

prevention is the only reasonable measure.

Excellent piece.

At the same time though I think it should be emphasized that felons who have been convicted of pedophiliac child abuse should

automatically be liable for lifelong constant monitoring. May that be an ankle bracelet or physical surveillance by authorities.

The question of civil liberties of course comes up and it's a rightful argument , but I think if one has failed to control himself once ,

he should automatically forfeit that particular right.

There are circumstances where the rights of the state surpass the rights of the individual.
stephanie i read about five lines of that and had to click out of it because it was so revolting